
一 、判断题
1. Accessories provide customers with the opportunity to personalize their vehicles.
A. √
B. ×
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2. To prevent losing customers to our competitors, it is essential that the sales process is monitored and managed at each stage.
A. √
B. ×
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3. The cost should be a factor, so choose an auto insurance policy based on price alone.
A. √
B. ×
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4. Whether or not you file a claim depends on many factors.
A. √
B. ×
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5. The TCM uses the temperature sensor signals to determine the height of the transmission fluid.
A. √
B. ×
6. The Manifold Absolute Pressure and Temperature (MAPT) sensors measure the air pressure in the intake manifold and the charge air duct.
A. √
B. ×
7. The primary task of the anti-lock brake system is to give the driver steering control during hard braking, and not reduce the stopping distance.
A. √
B. ×
8. Collect customer e-mail address whenever possible (e.g. repair orders, parts sales) for future use.
A. √
B. ×
9. The automobile industry has seen some major changes over the past decade.
A. √
B. ×
10. Before using cleaners, do not read and follow all safety instructions on the label.
A. √
B. ×
11. A auto safety inspection works to ensure your car’s emission controls are working properly—essentially verifying that your vehicle isn’t putting out too much pollution.
A. √
B. ×
12. The on-board charger can only accept single phase electricity.
A. √
B. ×
13. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have both an electric motor and a conventional gasoline or diesel engine.
A. √
B. ×
14. Electric Vehicles have a battery management system, which will typically warn the driver when their battery range starts to get low.
A. √
B. ×
15. A car which is rated poorly is not necessarily unsafe, but it is not as safe as its competitors that were rated better.
A. √
B. ×
16. Used car appraisal is necessary when consumers want to trade-in their vehicle or sell it privately.
A. √
B. ×
二 、单选题
1. The PCM sends a separate _____ to each ignition coil to trigger the power stage switching.
A. door
B. winding
C. signal
D. process
2. As passenger vehicles are subject to stringent emissions regulations, a number of technologies have been developed to _________ the amount of harmful pollutants entering the atmosphere.
A. cancel
B. made up
C. reduce
D. emit
3. A fluid filter is ______ inside the fluid pan.
A. task
B. inside
C. located
D. process
4. Top-dollar appraised values are only given to vehicles in what condition?
A. bad
B. excellent
C. average
D. process
5. This also means that a car which is rated poorly is not necessarily unsafe, but it is not as ____ as its competitors that were rated better.
A. smell
B. big
C. safe
D. quick
6. What does the ESP stand for?
A. Ear Stability Program
B. Ear Stability Plan
C. Electronic Stability Program
D. Electronic Say Program
7. The amount of pollution produced __________ on how the electricity is made.
A. install
B. see
C. open
D. depends
8. Unlike conventional hybrids, PHEVs can be ____________ and recharged from an outlet, allowing them to drive extended distances using just electricity.
A. stop
B. plugged-in
C. flight
D. hybrid
9. Telematics has also supported new industries, ___________ car-sharing.国开一网一平台
B. such as
C. OnStar
10. Theft insurance _______ the vehicle and everything in it in the event of burglary or theft.
A. car
B. covers
C. buy
D. damage
11. What is the Chinese meaning of “Property damage liability”?
A. 人身伤害保护险
B. 财产损毁责任险
C. 第三方责任险
D. 乘客险
12. When you purchase collision coverage, you will be asked to ________ the amount of your deductible.
A. Premium
B. choose
C. higher
D. lower
13. What OEM stands for?
A. Connected cars
B. Original Equipment Manufacturer
C. Original Equipment
D. Predictive analytics
14. The major ____ of E-commerce goes to warehousing and product storage.
A. people
B. contact
C. e-business
D. cost
15. We recommend that the tires, including the spare tire, if the vehicle has one, be inspected for signs of wear or damage _________ once a month.
A. installed
B. controlled
C. assembled
D. at least
16. For intervals on changing and inspecting the engine air cleaner/filter, _____ the Maintenance Schedule booklet.
A. cancel
B. see
C. ensure
D. process
17. When ________ any reassembly process, it extremely important to bear in mind basic rules to make a successful repair.
A. carrying out
B. buy
C. assemble
D. bring
18. The trade-in and offer strongly __________ the outcome of the sale.
A. influence
B. removal
C. assembled
D. focused
19. Then the objective of your prospecting activity is to secure an appointment to ________ with the next stage of the sales process.
A. first
B. now
C. continue国开一网一平台
D. aim
20. Qualifying will directly ________ on your demonstration-drive conversion ratio.
A. install
B. critical
C. impact,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
D. process
三 、多选题
1. Please explain the meaning of "follow-up" in Chinese.
A. 随访
B. 技工
C. 跟进
D. 回访
2. Please explain the meaning of "telematics" in Chinese.
A. 售后市场
B. 远程信息处理
C. 车联网
D. 后续市场
3. Please explain the meaning of "refurbish" in Chinese.
A. 再装修
B. 保修
C. 翻新
D. 整修
4. Please explain the meaning of "brake hard" in Chinese.
A. 内燃机
B. 急刹车
C. 紧急制动
D. 发动机
5. Please explain the meaning of "mechanic" in Chinese.
A. 服务
B. 技工
C. 客户
D. 机修工
6. Please explain the meaning of "policy" in Chinese.
A. 政策
B. 维修
C. 方针
D. 保险单
7. Please explain the meaning of "engage" in Chinese.国开一网一平台
A. 吸引
B. 占用
C. 参与
D. 啮合
8. Please explain the meaning of "Predictive Analytics" in Chinese.
A. 预测分析
B. 预测解析
C. 意外事件
D. 预测性分析
四 、简答题
1. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: You are unable to view the timing belt without taking apart the engine.
A. 如果不拆解发动机,您将能够看到正时皮带。
B. 如果不拆解发动机,您将无法看到正时皮带。
C. 如果不安装发动机,您将无法看到曲轴皮带。
D. 如果不购买发动机,您将无法看到正时皮带。
2. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Most telematics systems offer stolen-vehicle assistance, such as locating a vehicle using GPS.
A. 大多数车联网系统都不提供被盗车辆援助服务,如使用GPS定位车辆。
B. 大多数车联网系统都提供被盗车辆援助服务,如使用手机定位车辆。
C. 大多数车联网系统都提供被盗车辆援助服务,如使用GPS定位车辆。
D. 大多数车联网系统都提供紧急车辆救援服务,如使用GPS定位车辆。
3. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Tailor follow-up messages to suit the individual customer.
A. 量身定制信息,以满足单个客户的需求。
B. 量身定制产品信息,以满足单个客户的需求。
C. 无需量身定制跟进信息,以满足单个客户的需求。
D. 量身定制跟进信息,以满足单个客户的需求。
4. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Gather as much information as possible with regard to the complaint.
A. 无需收集关于投诉的信息。
B. 只需收集与问题相关的信息。
C. 尽可能多地收集关于投诉的信息。
D. 收集与投诉无关的信息。
5. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: These signals are used by the TCM to control the transmission operation.
A. 发动机使用这些信号来控制TCM的工作。
B. 变速器使用这些信号来控制TCM的工作。
C. 齿圈使用这些信号来控制变速器的工作。
D. TCM使用这些信号来控制变速器的工作。

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