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发表于 2020-8-29 09:35:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Analysis of College Students' Cheating on Exam and the Study of Its Countermeasures
  Yang Zi
  (青岛大学,青岛 2  011)
  (Qingdao University,Qingdao 2  011,China)
  Abstract: In recent years, a problem of college students cheating on exams has been becoming a common phenomenon in universities, which has been regarded a m alignant tumor. Universities want to prevent it, but they have not found the effective measures. What's more, this phenomenon has become worse and worse, which has brought great impact on the  uality and management on university teaching. By analyzing the phenomenon of students cheating on exams, the article aims at deeply analyzing the personal reasons and the social reasons that lead college students to cheat on exams and offering several measures for the universities to control and prevent it effectively.
【关键词】:大学生作弊 原因分析 对策研究
  Key words: college students cheating on exams;analysis of the reason;countermeasures study
  中图分类号:G 4 文献标识码:A文章编号:100 -4311(2011)32-0119-03
  In today's college campus, cheating on exams has become a relatively common phenomenon and it is amazing that there are various cheating measures and so many people involving in it. From the school final exams to the national level examinations, cheating “battlefield” and “technology” both have changed greatly: from the beginning of entraining cheating sheets to the widely application of modern micro-cheating devices, and the cheating measures have showed modern and diversified developing trends[1].Cheaters are not only confined to those students who have poor performance and get low marks, but among the students who are punished because of cheating on exams, many are the members of the students union and the students with excellent credits. Although universities has repeatedly emphasized that cheating is prohibited and once the students are discovered that they are cheating, they would be punished seriously and ruthlessly. However, today we have to admit that cheating on exams has become an understandable thing for many students. In the eyes of these cheaters, cheating is no longer a secret and shameful thing, but a must collection to the examination, and “a re uired course of the university”[2].In response to this phenomenon, it is necessary for us to excavate the reasons that result in this distorted social identify from the students themselves and the social environment two aspects, so that we can suit the remedy to the case and find the effective methods to solve it.
  1Studying and analyzing the reasons of students' cheating
  1.1 College students personal reasons
  1.1.1 Being slack and not working hard in daily study, in order to pass the exams, they only have to cheat. The university study environment, which is very different from the tense and closed high middle school studying environment, is very loose and it asks students to learn self motivated. However, because of poor self-discipline, many students just lax their studies and are busying inplaying games, surfing on the internet making friends, engaging in social activities and so on, which have nothing to do with their studies. Day by day, they ignore their studies. When exams are coming, they find what they've learnt is totally not enough to make sure them pass the exams. So in order to make it, cheating is their first choice. Although universities have made all kinds of punishment measures in respond to cheating on exams, there are still many students who want to get the credits cheating in the exam, they are against the rules, and hope that they will not be found by teachers, and they also think that they would have good luck. The subjective slack on the study and the speculative psychological mind are the main reasons that lead students to cheat on exams which can't be prohibited.
       1.1.2 The distorted social identity and the effect of following the crowd lead to cheat. Following the crowd is a kind of common psychological effect, that is one gives up his own view and accept a consistent opinion and take a consistent deeds with the majority. When most students think that cheating on exams is a matter of moral and their conscience should be to blame. Then this kind of opinion would become a group stress, which makes the cheaters feel guilty of his deeds. The kind of stress will force the cheating individual to give up his original deeds, which will make other cheating individuals who have prepared to cheat on exams feel stress and give up his tendency of cheating. However, to our pity, in today's universities, things are just reversed. Some students do not tend to cheat at first, but when they see those students who do not study hard in daily study, but pass the exams by cheating without being discovered. But their marks got by hard study are much less than those who get their marks by cheating, they will have an unbalanced state of mind, which would cause that the individuals' moral evaluation of cheating on exams deviate, they would think that others can get high marks by cheating without being discovered, so can they effected by the mind of going with the tide, so they also join in the team of cheating.
  1.1.3 Being lack of the awareness of honesty and not treating cheating correctly. In the era of globalization and in the modern civil society, credibility is the basic re uirement of morality and the best policy of a man. Fundamentally speaking, cheating on exams is a matter of credibility. However, affected and guided by age, human experiences, and some wrong outlook on world, life and value, modern college students are easy to develop some deed modes which are contrary to moral standards, and are lack of the awareness of credibility, for example, cheating on exams is one of them. College students are the object and subject of the examination, if the test subject's value deviated, then all the outside efforts are only a drop in the bucket.
  1.2 Social reasons
  1.2.1 The mechanism of students' academic evaluation is to single, and we pay too much attention to scores. For college students, their academic evaluation is only decided by the final test scores. The assessment of scholarship and the post-graduate recommended and free-tested system also both regard students' achievements as important standards, which make many students cheating for their own needs. In the view of these students, examination is only a means, and the test marks are only a way of reaching their own purpose. This serious utilitarian make students’ attitude towards test distort. At the same time, a considerable number of students think that college exams can not reflect students' true level of ability, the contents of the exams are those that need to memorize in the books. They even regard these who get high marks by cheating as & uot;High  uality, low ability& uot;. The changing of students' attitude towards test greatly affect students' moral assessment of cheating deeds.
       1.2.2 The impact of the society unhealthy ways and customs and less attention paid by the company. Nowadays, university education emphasizes on developing students' ability of adaptingsociety, but this kind of “adaption” has been misunderstood by lots of students, they have a superficial knowledge of the outside of campus, and their own moral judgments have not been fully mature[3], so they are easy to affect by the unhealthy ways and customs. Meanwhile, the  uality assessment of society towards students is also changing. When enterprises recruit new employees, what they firstly concern is the social practice experience instead of the academic achievement .According to a survey done by Zhilianzhaopin, when enterprises recruit college students, they regard social practice experience as the first important element, the second is the major, the third is the academic achievement. In the current severe employment situation and under the background of university education changing into mass education, the needs of enterprises will definitely become a powerful baton, students naturally work hard to get more practice experience and develop their all-round abilities instead of paying most attention to study as before. The ignorance of academic achievement will lead to college students ac uiesce in the cheating on exams.
  2The preventive measures to college students' cheating on exams
  2.1 Strengthening college students' education of integrity and self-monitoring .In fact, cheating on exams is a matter of honesty and moral. While emphasize on the intellectual education of students, universities should guide students establish good character of honesty from the freshmen. In the usual process of teaching and educating, schools should fully play the role of the party, the group organization and the head teachers and closely integrate the psychological characteristics of the college students, so they can give students targeted education which focus on the ideology and moral, and help students understand their learning goals, overcome “loving-vanity”, “lucky” and weak self-control and so on. Problems from the ideology, and help students realize the importance of true learning, and promote their awareness and motivation of learning .In daily life, university should focus on developing students' optimism and positive attitude to life, and guide them to consciously resist the unhealthy trends of cheating.
  2.2 Diluting the importance of scores in the academic achievement assessment and reforming the test form and content. The purpose of the exam is to test students' abilities and promote their development, but now a lot of tests are just “Test for test”. When all is a form, the test loses its original significance, students will regard tests as a “Burden” which needs to be got rid of. Even if they cheat, they think a pass security ----sixty scores are enough. Therefore, universities can positively take measures and encourage teachers to reform the test forms, and have a try of new testing methods. For example, according to the characteristics of the course and the learning conditions, university can test students flexibly by open-book testing, oral speaking testing, write essay and so on. In addition, according to their own conditions, universities can separate the teaching and test, teachers do not draw key points for students, and use open-ended  uestions to access students' abilities from all -round aspects. The reform of the test mode will greatly ease students' psychological pressure and promote their learning initiative, which will reduce the possibility of cheating on exams in some extent.
       2.3 Enhancing the building academic atmosphere and enforcing examination discipline with rigor. Good academic atmosphere can directly cause good examination discipline, at the same time a good examination discipline also benefit the building of academic atmosphere, both of which are interrelated and indivisible as a whole. Therefore, universities should enforce the rectification of the academic atmosphere, and improve the education environment and guide students to establish healthy academic atmosphere. Especially, universities should cultivate students' serious and careful learning attitude to eliminate the incorrect learning psychology. Moreover, the university function department should regard the test administration as an important part of the building of academic atmosphere. When schools emphasize the punishment measures to the cheating students, they should educate students combined with the previous sanctions of cases of cheating students and make students truly realize the serious conse uences brought to them by cheating. At the same time, universities should strictly carry out the examiner rules and enforce supervision and inspection, and strengthen the training and supervision of the invigilators, and eliminate cheating due to the ineffective invigilation.
  In short, if we want to eliminate the phenomenon of college students cheating. Efforts Should be made by students individuals, universities, society and so on .Although it is unrealistic to eliminate this phenomenon in a short period of time, as long as we find the sources of cheating, and take the right preventive measures and the right way, we will be able to prevent it from spreading and reduce the probability of its occurrence, and therefore we can enhance college students' awareness of integrity and make them achieve their self-improvement.
  [1]Zhi Wang. Thinking about integrity and sense of responsibility education of college students civil moral education [J]. Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information.2009, (1).
  [2]Yuan ing Lu, Chunjuan Zhang. “Calm” cheating: the study of the moral psychology of college students' cheating [J]. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research, 2008, (1).
  [3] JinFuZhang. Youth mental Studies[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2004.
  1.1 大学生自身原因
  1.1.1 平时学习松懈,为保及格只能作弊与高中阶段紧张、封闭有人约束的学习环境大为不同的是,大学学习环境是极为宽松的,并要求大学生自主、自觉地学习。而不少学生进入大学之后,因自我约束能力差,松懈了自己的学业,整日忙于游戏、上网、交友、应酬等与学习雅关的事情,久而久之,雅心学习,临到考试才发现凭自己学习的程度根本雅法应付考试,为求考试能及格,作弊就成了首选之策。尽管各高校针对考试作弊制订了各项惩处措施,但还是有相当数量的大学生为了拿到学分,顶风而上,寄希望于不会那么巧被老师发现,心存侥幸。主观上对学习的松懈以及考试时的投机心理是导致大学生考试作弊屡禁不止的一个重要原因。
       1.1.2 社会认同观扭曲,从众效应导致作弊从众效应是一种常见的心理效应,即个人放弃自己的意见而采取与多数人相一致的行为。当多数学生认为考试作弊是道德问,应该受到良心的谴责,那么,这种意见就会形成一种团体压力,从而使得作弊者对其行为产生愧疚心理。这种压力会迫使作弊个体放弃其原有行为,并会使得其他准备付诸行动的个体受到压力,放弃其作弊的设想。但遗憾的是,在当代高校里,这种情景似乎刚好逆转过来。有些同学往往开始并不打算作弊,可看到平时学习成绩不如自己的同学用作弊的手段通过了考试并且“相安雅事”,自己辛辛苦苦读书所得的分数还不如人家临时投机取巧得来的分数高,便会出现不平衡的心态。这种心态会导致个体内心对考试作弊的道德评价出现偏差,认为别人能如此自己也可以这样,受从众心理的诱导他们便也加入了作弊的队伍。
  1.1.3 缺乏诚信意识,不能正确看待作弊行为诚信是全球化时代和现代公民社会的基本道德要求,是为人之本。考试作弊从根本上讲就是一件关乎诚信的事情。但是当代大学生由于受到年龄、阅历以及一些错误的世界观、人生观和价值观的误导,很容易表现出一些与道德规范背道而驰的行为模式,缺乏诚信意识,考试作弊就是其中之一。大学生是考试的对象和主体,如果当考试主体的价值观都发生偏差的话,那么外界的一切努力也只能是杯水车薪而已。
  1.2 社会原因
  1.2.1 学生学业评价机制单一,评价体系太过看重分数对大学生的学业评价只由期末成绩说了算,奖学金的评定以及研究生推免制度等,都把学生成绩作为重要的参选标准,这就使得很多学生为了自己的需求而去作弊。在这些学生看来,考试只是一个手段,而考试成绩只是自己达成目的的一种凭借。这种极强的功利性使得学生对考试的态度发生了畸变。与此同时,还有相当一批学生认为大学考试并不能够真实地反映学生的能力水平,考试的内容只不过是书本上需要死记硬背的东西,甚至有些作弊学生将诚实考试所得的高分看作是高分低能。学生对大学考试评价的转变,极大地影响着学生对作弊行为的道德评估。
  1.2.2 社会不良风气的影响以及用人单位不再看重成绩当代高校教育强调对学生适应社会能力的培养,但是这种“适应”却被很多学生所误解,学生对校园外的社会一知半解,本身的道德判断尚未完全成熟[3],容易受到外在不良社会风气的影响。同时,社会对大学生素质的评估体系现在也发生着变化,各企业单位在招收员工时,所注重的要素从学习成绩为重转为社会实践经验为重。智联招聘的调查结果显示,企业在招收大学生时,社会实践是第一看重的要素,第二是专业,第三才是学习成绩。在当前严峻的就业形势下,在大学教育从精英教育转向大众教育的时代背景下,企业的需要雅疑成为一根威力巨大的指挥棒,学生努力的方向自然也从原来的学业为主,转为重实践、重综合实力的培养,于是,对学习成绩的忽视也就在所难免了。这种对学业成绩的忽视也就在一定程度上导致了大学生对考试作弊行为的默认。
  2.1 加强对大学生的诚信教育,强化自我监督考试作弊实际上是一个诚信问题、道德问题。高校应从新生入校开始,在强化对学生智育教育的同时,引导学生树立讲诚信的良好品格。在平时的教书育人过程中,学校应发挥党、团组织和班主任的作用,紧密结合大学生的心理特点,有针对性地对学生进行以诚信为重点的思想道德教育,从思想上帮助大学生明确学习目标,客服“好虚荣”、“侥幸”和自制力弱等毛病,认识到掌握真才实学的重要性,促使其学习自觉性、积极性的提高;在生活中注重培养学生乐观向上、积极进取的生活态度,引导学生自觉抵制考试作弊这种歪风邪气。
  2.2 淡化分数在学生成绩考评中的比重,改革考试形式和内容考试的目的是为了测试学生的能力,促进学生的发展,而现在很多考试只是为了考试而考试。当一切都成为形式,那么考试也就失去了它本该有的意义,学生就会把考试当作需要摆脱的包袱,他们中大多数作弊要的也只是一个保底及格的六十分。所以,学校可以采取措施积极鼓励教师大胆改革陈旧的考试模式,尝试新的考试方法。比方说,学校可根据课程特点和学习条件,灵活采用开卷、口试、写论文等方式来考核学生的学习情况。另外学校还可以根据实际情况实施考教分离,任课老师不划重点,代之以开放式的题目来全面考核学生的能力。考试形式的改革将极大地缓解学生的心理压力,促进其学习的主动性,这在一定程度上也将减少考试作弊的可能性。
  2.3 加强学校学风建设,严肃考风好的学风直接影响好的考风,同样好的考风也有利于营造良好的学风,这两者是相互影响、不可分割的整体。因此,学校应加强整顿学风建设,优化育人环境,引导学生树立优良的学风,尤其要培养学生认真求实的学习态度,以便消除不正确的学习心理。此外,高校职能部门应把考试管理作为学风建设的重要环节。学校应在强调惩处作弊学生措施的同时,结合以前处分作弊学生的案例来教育学生,让学生切实认识到作弊将给自身带来的严重后果。于此同时,学校还应该严格执行监考规则,加大监督检查的力度,加强对监考人员的培训和监督,杜绝因监考不力而滋生的作弊行为。
  作者简介:杨子(198 -),女,山东青岛人,青岛大学思想政治理论教学部,在读硕士,研究方向为高校思想政治教育创新与发展。


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