试卷总分:100 测试时间:60分钟
一、多项选择题(共 1 道试题,共30 分。为作文选择合适的论据)
1. Read the following facts and ideas provided by students on plasticsurgery. If you write a composition on Say “No” to Plastic Surgery. Whatevidence can be selected to support your essay?
1. People not beautiful may be neglected.Some graduates are turned down by employers due to their homely appearance.
2. Different people have differentstandards of beauty. What some people regard as beautiful may be regarded asugly by others. y
3. The Beauty industry has become anintegral part of economy and will help promote other industries.
4. Just as people should dress neatly andwear some make-up when appearing in public places, a beautiful appearance isalso a sign of respect for others.
5. One’s appearance may have positive ornegative influences, but they are definitely not crucial. y
6. Standards of beauty, like fashion, arealways changing; we can never keep up with them. Bound feet are no longerconsidered as beautiful today as they were in the Song dynasty. Y
7. Plastic surgery will produce many cloneswhen more and more people model their appearance on that of some film star.
8. With the development of technology, therisks and costs of plastic surgery can be minimized.
9. True beauty stems from character,integrity and ability.
10. Plastic surgery is a personal choice,having nothing to do with others.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
F. 6
G. 7
H. 8
I. 9
J. 10
二、单项选择题(共 1 道试题,共 30 分。选择恰当的作文提纲)
1. Examine the following outlines carefully and point out which is thecorrect outline (30%)
A. Topic:The Role of Comprise--- How An American President Gets A Bill Passed
Thesis(statement): Every passed bill is aproduct of compromise, and no matter how able an American president is, he canget no bill passed if he ignores Congress and makes no compromises.
I. Some powers of a president
II. Confinement of powers of a president
B. Interest groups
C. Public and media
III. Conflicts and compromises and thenecessary of making compromises
Example: Franklin D. Roosevelt
VI. What if the president does not makecompromises?
Example: Bill Clinton
V. Conclusion: An American president has tolearn to make compromises and cooperate with Congress.
B. Topic: The Importance of Compromise for the American President inDealing with the Congress
Thesis (statement): Every passed bill is aproduct of bargaining and compromise between the president and the Congress.
I. Powers of an American president
II. Force restricting the president’spowers
B. Interest groups
C. Public and media
III. Franklin D. Roosevelt, a president wholearned the necessity of making compromise
VI. Bill Clinton, a president who did notlearn to make compromise
V. The importance for an American presidentto cooperate with the Congress and make compromises
满分:30 分
满分:30 分
三、多项选择题(共 1 道试题,共40 分。阅读理解-选择正确的原因)
1. Read the following narrative and choose the reasons for hiring Chineselaborers.(40%)
TheCentral Pacific Railroad--- A Chinese Achievement
One of the most important areas of Chinese industrial employment [in theU.S.] was railroad construction. In February of 1865, fifty Chinese workerswere hired by the Central Pacific Railroad to help lay the tracks for thetranscontinental line leading east from Sacramento; shortly afterward fiftymore Chinese were hired. The new laborers were praised by company presidentLeland Stanford as “quiet, peaceable, industrious, economical—ready and apt tolearn all the different kinds of work” required in railroad building. “ Theyprove nearly equal to white men in the amount of labor they perform, and aremuch more reliable,” the company superintendent Charles Crocker reported. “Nodanger of strikes among them. We are training them to all kinds of labor:blasting rock, driving horses, and handling pick ad shovel.” The white workersdemanded that the company stop hiring Chinese laborers, and Crocker retorted: “We can’t get enough white labor to build this railroad, and build it we must,so we’re forced to hire them. If you can’t get along with them, we have onlyone alternative. We’ll let you go and hire nobody but them.” Within two years,12000 Chinese were employed by the Central Pacific Railroad, representing 90percent of the entire work force. The savings derived from the employment ofChinese rather than white workers was enormous. The company paid the Chineseworkers thirty-one dollars a month; had it used white workers it would have hadto pay them the same wages plus board and lodging, which would have increasedlabor costs by one third.
Theconstruction of the Central Pacific Railroad line was a Chinese achievement.Not only they perform the physical labor required to clear trees and laytracks; they also provided important technical labor by operating power drillsand handling explosives for boring tunnels through the Donner Summit. In hisaccount of the summit’s penetration, superintendent Crocker stated: “We had a shaftdown in the center. We were cutting both ways from the bottom of that shaft…(We) got some Cornish miners [from Virginia City] and paid them extra wages. Weput them into one side of the shaft… and we had Chinamen on the other side. Wemeasured the work every Sunday morning; and the Chinamen without fail, alwaysout-measured the Cornish miners…The Chinese are skilled in using the hammer anddrill; and they proved themselves equal to the best Cornish miners in thatwork.”
Q:Why did theCentral Pacific Railroad choose to hire Chinese laborers?
A. The Chinese laborers were “quiet”,“peaceable”, “industrious”, and “economical.”
B. The Central Pacific Railroad hiredenough white laborers to build the railroad.
C. Besides, Crocker say “no danger ofstrikes among Chinese laborers.”
D. The white workers could get along withChinese laborers.
E. The Chinese laborers did all kinds oflabor—blasting rock, driving horses, and handling pick and shovel, etc.
F. Though Charles Crocker said that theChinese laborers proved “nearly equal” to white men, the example he citedactually proved that the Chinese were better workers as they “alwaysout-measured” the white Cornish miners.
G. Furthermore, Chinese workers were paidthirty-one dollars a month, cutting down labor costs by one third;
满分:40 分 |