1.[问答题] 林边有一个洞,叫白龙洞.传说<白蛇传>的白娘子曾经在这里修炼。
答:——Near the forest is the White Dragon Cave which is said to be the very place where Lady White, the legadary heroine of the story of the White Snake,cultivated herself according to Buddist doctrine.——
2.[问答题] 乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有"绿杨夹岸水平铺"之称,举行龙舟竞赛得天独厚。
答:——Famous for its"tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation", Leshan in Sichuan province has the ideal setting for the Dragon Festival.——
3.[问答题] 五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。 答:——trips to china's five great mountains refer trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unnecessary. ——
4.[问答题] 上有天堂,下有苏杭。
5.[问答题] 小雁塔是一座结构秀丽的建筑,具有典型的唐代建筑风格。
答:————6.[问答题] As the whole sale price of leather is rising,it is certain that you will not be able to buy anything at the same prices in the near future.
7.[问答题] As exportors dealing exclusively in Chinese Art & Craft Goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.
答:————8.[问答题] if you think our offer meets your requirements,please let us have your order at an early date,as supplies are limited.
答:————9.[问答题] we have heard from china council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for electric Appliances.
10.[问答题] we trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and we look forward to receiving your order. 答:————
11.[问答题] 本协议的任何条款均未授予乙方任何商标上的权利、所有权或利益。
12.[问答题] 经甲方要求,乙方应按照甲方要求的格式和时间间隔提交财务报表。 答:————
13.[问答题] 凡有关合同或因执行本合同所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决。 答:————
14.[问答题] 合营一方如不履行本合同规定的义务,违约一方得赔偿另一方因此而遭受的经济损失。
15.[问答题] 买方须随时能对专利软件的拷贝作出解释,拷贝的目的在于提高其预期功能的使用效力。
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