西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教 2020年 5月
课程名称【编号】:中西文化比较与交流【1251】 A卷
大作业 满分:100 分
1.How many stages have contributed to the tradition of comparison of Chinese and Western cultures in China’s recent history? Can you list these stages? (20%)
2. Can you illustrate the rationale of comparing Chinese and Western cultures? (20%)
3.How will you understand stereotype? Can you give one example of stereotype? (20%)
4.Can you illustrate what cultural awareness is? Could you give one example of how you show your cultural awareness? (20%)
5. Can you summarize what you have learnt from comparing Chinese and Western cultures? (20%)附件是答案, q1 12 9 0 21 |
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