试卷总分:100 测试时间:90
单项选择题 判断题
一、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. "Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."
A. is synonymous with
B. is inconsistent with
C. entails
D. presupposes
2. Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.
A. mouth
B. lips
C. tongue
D. vocal cords
3. The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __. A. +animate,+male,+human,-adult
B. +animate,+male,+human,+adult
C. +animate,-male,+human,-adult
D. +animate,-male,+human,+adult
4. A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause.
A. coordinator
B. particle
C. preposition
D. subordinator主从连词
5. The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___.
A. bound morpheme
B. bound form
C. inflectional morpheme
D. free morpheme
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