摘 要 目的:了解广东顺德地区居民结核病防治知识的知晓情况,评价该地区近年开展结核病防治知识健康教育与健康促进工作的情况和效果,为进一步加强结核病防治健康教育与健康促进工作提供科学依据。方法:采用随机、分层、整群抽样法。先由全区10个镇(街道)中共抽4个镇(街道),以居民小组为单位,划分抽样单位,再由每个镇(街道)随机抽取1个抽样点,对抽样点的15岁以上居民进行问卷调查的方法,估算本区居民结核病防治知识的知晓率,分析影响居民知晓情况的相关因素。结果:调查人群总知晓率为18.1%,其中男性的总知晓率为1 .1%,女性为21.0%,5个结核病防治知识完全知晓的占调查人群的5.22%,全部不知道的占 0.3%。结核病防治知识的总知晓率随着年龄的增加而提高。性别和年龄是本地区居民结核病防治知识的影响因素。结论:顺德地区结核病防治知识总知晓率不但远低于国家总知晓率的水平,甚至低于国内其经济不发达的地区。全人群的结核病防治知识相当贫乏,今后应采取针对性的措施,完善本地区结核病防治健康教育与健康促进策略。 【关键词】 肺结核 预防和控制 doi:10.39 9/j.issn.1001- 14x.2011.29.321 AbstractObjective:To understand the awareness rate of TB control knowledge in guangdong shunde area.Evaluation the effects of TB control knowledge education and health promotion work in recent years,in order to provide scientific basis for health promotion work in the future.Methods:we used cluster stratified random sampling method,four towns were randomly selected from ten towns,Then from each town randomly 1 residents groups.Each residents groups,residents who above the age of 15 were investigated,Estimation of the awareness rate of TB control knowledge in guangdong shunde area and Analysis influence factors of it.Results:The awareness rate of TB control knowledge was 18.1%,The awareness rate of TB control knowledge of men was 18.1%,women's was 21.0%. 5.22% of survey population was aware of the all uestions keys.But 0.3% of survey population didn't know all of uestions keys.The awareness rate of TB control knowledge increases with age. Logistic regression model showed that sex and age were affecting the awareness rate.Conclusion:the awareness rate of TB control knowledge in guangdong shunde area not only far below the level of the national but also far below the level of domestic economically underdeveloped areas.The TB control knowledge of people was very poor. Therefore we must take the good measures to improve Strategies of TB control health promotion in future. Key Wordspulmonary tuberculosis;prevention and control;shunde area 了解广东顺德地区居民结核病防治知识的知晓情况,结合全国第五次结核病流行病学抽样调查,对顺德区4个结核病流调点进行居民结核病防治知识知晓率调查,为进一步加强结核病防治健康教育与健康促进工作提供科学依据。 资料与方法 资料:顺德区年龄15岁或以上的常住居民。常住居民包括户籍人口和外来常住人口。户籍人口定义为持有本地户籍的人口,如果离开本地 个月及以上的户籍人口不作为本次调查人口。外来常住人口定义为虽雅本地户籍,但调查时在本地居住 个月以上。 方法:本次调查采用随机、分层、整群抽样法。先由全区10个镇(街道)中抽取4个镇(街道),再由每个镇(街道)随机抽取1个居民小组作为调查点。每个调查点的应调查人口为1250~1150人,将所有的应调查人口纳入调查。如调查人口数>1150人的居民小组,要以家庭为单位连续抽取,直到被调查的人数>1150人为止;对调查人口 |