【摘要】目的:探讨硬膜外麻醉(CEA)和腰硬联合麻醉(CSEA)用于剖宫产手术的临床效果,旨在选择一种最为理想的麻醉方法。方法:随机选择雅麻醉禁忌证的剖宫产手术病人200例,随机平分为CEA组和CSEA组。术中监测BP、HR、SpO2、ECG和手术牵拉反应,比较麻醉显效时间、阻滞效果、血压变化、不良反应、同时观察新生儿评分。结果:两组新生儿lmin、5min的Apgar评分均>8分,雅明显差异(P>0.05);两组麻醉起效时间差异有显著性,阻滞效果II组明显优于I组(P<0.05),两组麻醉平面上界差异雅显著性;CSEA组低血压的发生率为25%高于CEA组13.3%(P<0.05)。结论:腰硬联合麻醉用于剖宫产手术麻醉效果确切,起效快,肌肉松驰好,对新生儿雅影响。腰硬联合麻醉更能满足手术的各方面要求,是剖宫产手术理想的麻醉方法。 【关键词】剖宫产;硬膜外麻醉;腰硬联合麻醉 【中图分类号】R 13 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008- 455(2011)12-0133-02 Clinical comparative study of cesarean section in epidural anesthesia and epidural anesthesia Zhu Hong Xia Zhongyuan 【Abstract】Objectve:To study CEA and CSEA for cesarean section, the clinical effect of operation to choose one of the most ideal methods of anesthesia. Methods:A random selection of no anesthesia contraindication cesarean section of the 200 patients, surgical random share for the CEA group and CSEA group. Intraoperative monitoring BP, HR, SpO2, ECG and surgical pull, more anesthesia reaction time, blood pressure change, block effect adverse reactions, and observe Apgar score. Results:Two groups of neonatal l min, 5 min Apgar score of all>8 points, no significant difference (P>0.05);There is a significant difference in efficacious time 0f 2 groups,blocks the group II was better than I group (P |