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                 Questionsare based on Passage 2. ( 30 points, 3 points each)
                                           Passage 2
                                          Let’s Face It
Some people believe that the shape of a person’s face shows the general character of the person. The Chinese there are eight basic shapes of the face, and each shape shows a special character. The shapes are round, diamond, rectangle, square, triangle, narrow forehead and wide jaw, wide forehead and square chin, and wide forehead and high cheekbones. Here is what Chinese people say about these shapes.
Round faces have high and flat cheekbones, flat ears, wide noses, and strong mouths with thin lips. People with round faces are very intelligent, and they prefer to work with their brain instead of their body. People with round faces are confident and usually live a long life.
Many movie stars and famous women have diamond faces. The diamond face is narrow at the top and has a pointed chin. The Chinese believe that it is lucky if you meet a man or a woman with a diamond face before you go to an important meeting. People with this type of face are generally lucky in love and in their jobs. They may not be happy when they are young, but they get what they want later in their lives. People with diamond faces are warm, but they have a strong will.
People with rectangular faces control their feelings, but they are intelligent and creative. These people work hard and are very reliable. Their work is very important to them and comes before everything else, even family. They are not easy to be around when they do not feel free or when they feel bored. Many people with rectangular faces are at their best when they are older.
Square faces usually belong to men, but women can also have them. Men with this kind of face are good at making decisions and keeping to them. They are generous and honest. They put their friends first in everything. Both men and women with square faces are lucky and live a long life.
A wide forehead, high cheekbones, and a pointed chin make a triangular face. People with triangular faces are lively and intelligent and often stand out from others; however, they worry too much and their emotions are fragile, so they can get depressed easily. Because of this, they do better in jobs where they work with people.
The Chinese believe that a person with a wide jaw and narrow forehead is like the earth and changes little. People with this kind of face love success and will almost always get what they want, especially money and all that it brings. A man with this kind of face will not be close to his children, but his children will respect his strength. A woman with this kind of face was Jacqueline Kennedy, who had a strong character even in difficult times.
People with wide foreheads and square chins are intelligent and work hard to get what they want. They can be calm and quiet, or they can be the opposite, too, because they like to get attention. Famous movie stars such as Jane Fonda have this kind of face; so did Picasso, the painter. They usually have a long life and save their energy for important times in life.
People with wide foreheads and high cheekbones show strong character and a lot of energy. This helps them to be normal again if something bad happens. They know what they like and don’t like to change their habits. Nevertheless, they like to live a full life.
Complete these sentences with the words in the box.Note that three of the words from the box will not be used.
                                   Part IV
               Questions are based on Passage 4. (20 points, 4 points each)
                          Passage 4
   It’s March, 2050.
   Frank and Mary Smith wake up in their comfortable house in the morning and switch on the bedroom computer to get the latest news. They used to read the Times, but changed to electronic newspapers many years ago.
   There is the usual news about space: another space flight has returned from Mars and scientists have discovered a new planet. Then they return to business news: the US dollar has risen greatly in Shanghai, one of the world’s leading business centers. Mary tells the computer to buy 5,000 dollars, and there is a quick response that it has been done.
   As they watch the screen, Mary orders one of the household robots to make coffee for them. Frank disappears into the study to join a video conference with his partners around the world. He is a computer engineer, working for several companies. This is his third job: he used to be in marketing and then television.
   Mary has a quick look at the shopping channels — the usual selection of electric cars, household robots and cheap travel offers — before picking up the video phone to talk to her assistant. She also has a job and she is doing medical research. Both she and Frank used to have an office desk in London, but in 2014 they decided to move to the seaside and work from home.
   Frank and Mary have one daughter, Louise, who also has her own workstation at home. She goes to school only one day a week, mainly to play with other students. Classrooms disappeared in 2030 because there was no longer any need for them: communication systems have made it much easier to learn at home.
   Louise, now thirteen is studying Chinese at present, which has become a world language as important as English. Louise has many Chinese friends. They communicate by computer.
According to the family doctor, Louise will live to at least 130. Her wish is to work for a few decades and then spend her time on music and painting.
Read Passage 4 and then choose the right answers to Questions.
                                        Part II
                   Questions are based on Passage 2. (30 points, 3 points each)
                                       Passage 2
                                     Festival of Lights
   Tihar is one of the most important festivals for Hindus 1 in Nepal. Nepal is a small country between India and China. It has a population of about 23 million people, most of whom are Hindu. The festival of Tihar takes place in late autumn and lasts for five days. This festival is also called the Festival of Lights 2 . It is a time when all the houses light oil lamps, and the country is full of lights and decorations. During Tihar, the people worship different animals such as the crow, the dog, and the cow. The people also worship their brothers and sisters and the goddess of wealth, Laxmi .
   On the first day of the festival, people worship crows. Every family cooks a delicious meal in the morning. Before they eat, each member of the family puts some food on a plate of leaves and places it outside for the crows to eat. People believe crows are the messengers of the Lord of Death . They worship crows to keep sadness away.
   The second day, people worship dogs. They decorate dogs with garlands of flowers around their necks. They give dogs delicious food and put a red tika (a special powder) on their foreheads. They even do this to stray dogs. It is a day to respect all dogs. They pray for the dogs to guard their homes. Dogs with garlands of flowers can be seen everywhere.
   The third day is the most important day of the festival. Early in the morning, people start to worship the cow. The cow is the symbol of wealth and is the most holy animal for Hindus. Theyput tika on the cows’ foreheads and a garland of flowers around their necks. They give the cows nice things to eat. People place the cows’ manure in different parts of their houses. Later, in the evening, they worship the goddess Laxmi. If people please the goddess, she will give them wealth.   People clean and decorate their houses. They put oil lamps in every door and window. A female member of the family performs a special ceremony or puja . She then puts a red mud footprint on the floor entering the home and makes a trail to the room where the family worships the goddess. In this room, there are pictures and an icon of the goddess. There is also a money box where each year the family puts money away for the goddess. In the evening, girls go from door to door of their neighbors’ homes and sing songs of the goddess. They receive gifts in return.
   On the fourth day, people can worship different things, but most people worship the ox. They put tika on the oxen and a garland around their necks. They also give them delicious food. Hindus,who follow the god Krishna 4 , worship the cow. They make a small hill out of cow manure, put some grass on it, and perform a special ceremony, or puja, on it. The Newar community, an ethnic group in Nepal, worship themselves.
   The fifth day is the day of brothers and sisters. Sisters wish their brothers long life and prosperity. If you do not have a brother or sister, you can make one of your relatives or friends a brother or a sister. On this day, sisters will perform a puja and apply a special tika on their brothers. Then they put garlands around their brothers and give them special gifts of food. Brothers in return honor their sisters; they put garlands around their necks and give them gifts of clothes and money.
   Tihar finally ends after five days of cooking, decorating, eating, singing, dancing, shopping, relaxing, gift giving, and worshipping. There is no doubt that Tihar is the most popular festival in Nepal.
Fill in each blank of the text summary with an appropriate word from the text. Please note that five words from the list will not be used.
Tihar is also called the of Lights. It is considered to be of great importance as it shows contribution to not just the humans and the gods, but also the animals like crows, cows, and dogs that maintain a(n) relationship with humans. On the first day of the festival, crows are by offerings of sweets and dishes placed on a plate of leaves or the roofs of houses for they believe crows can take the message of the Lord of Death. The second day is called Dog Tihar. People offer garlands, tika, and delicious food to dogs andthe cherished relationship between humans and dogs. On the morning of the third day, people worship the cow. In Hinduism, cow signifiesand wealth. On this day people show their gratefulness to the cow by garlanding and feeding them with the best grass. Houses are cleaned and the doorways and windows arewith garlands of flowers. In the evening, people oil lamps or candles on doorways and windows to welcome prosperity and well-being. The girls enjoy dancing and visiting all the houses in the neighborhood with musical instruments. On the fourth day of Tihar, ox is worshipped by most people. Hindus worship the cow. Additionally, the majority of the Newarworship themselves. On the fifth and last day of Tihar, sisters make a special wish for their brothers to live a long life. Brothers sit on the floor while their sisterstheir puja. Brothers give tikas to their sisters in the same fashion with an exchange of gifts. This ritual is practiced regardless of whether the brother is younger or older than the sister. Those without a brother or sister join relatives or friends for tika. This festival the close relationship between brothers and sisters.
                                        Part IV  
                  Questions are based on Passage 4. (20 points, 4 points each)
                                       Passage 4
                                  The Loch Ness Monster
In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. It is the biggest lake in Britain. It is over thirty kilometers long and in some places nearly 3,000 meters deep. It is cold and dark and not many people went there until after 1930. Then a road was built around the lake. Visitors began to use the road, and this was when the stories began.
Someone said that he had seen a monster in the lake. He said it was twelve meters long. It had long neck and a small head. Others said the same thing and in 1933 a London doctor took a picture. It looked like a monster with a long neck and a thick body but the picture was not clear. The newspapers printed the picture and called it the Loch Ness monster.
Then the discussion began. Nobody had seen anything clearly and no one had any proof. Some people, however, were certain there was something living in the lake. Others said there was nothing there.
In 1961, a lot of people joined together to make a real effort to see and take pictures of the monster − if there was one! Several times people thought they saw something, but after ten years there was still no proof.
Later, underwater television cameras were used, and even a submarine! But no one found any real proof. However, the submarine did find something interesting: a huge underwater cave. It was big enough to be the home of a monster, but of course, that was no proof either.
In 1975, however, some American scientists formed a search team. They used an underwater camera. It took pictures every seventy seconds. Some of the pictures seemed to show a red-brown animal. Its body was about four meters long, and there was a very strange head at the end of its four-meter neck. Many people then began to believe that Loch Ness had a monster, but even today we cannot be certain.
Read Passage 4 and then then choose the right answers to Questions.
                                             Part I
                         Questions are based on Passage 1. (30 points, 3 points each)
                                            Passage 1
                                 Barrington Irving’s Dream to Fly
   Barrington Irving was the first African American to fly solo around the world. He did it in an airplane he built himself. He also started an organization to get young people interested in aviation and to teach them not to be afraid to follow their dreams.
   Irving was born in Jamaica in 1983. When he was six years old, his family moved to Miami, Florida. His parents, who were not rich, operated a bookstore. When Irving was not in school, he worked at the bookstore. One day he met an airline pilot there. Irving was only 15 at the time. The pilot took Irving to the airport where they got on a Boeing 777 airliner. The pilot let him sit in the cockpit and play with the controls. From that time on, Irving was determined to fly. He wanted to do everything to make this dream come true.
   To make money for flying lessons, Irving took small jobs at 3 airports after school. He studied hard and graduated from high school in 2002. Because he was such a good student, Irving got a scholarship to go to college and study aviation. While Irving was in college, he wanted to share his love of flying with high school students in poor neighborhoods. He visited schools in his free time and talked about careers in aviation.
   When Irving got his pilot’s license, he began to have a bigger dream. He wanted to fly around the world to show young people that there is no limit to your dreams if you really want something. He had no money to rent a plane, so he asked the makers of airplanes to give him parts for free so he could build his own plane to fly around the world. They agreed.
   Meanwhile, in 2005, Irving started a non-profit organization, 5 called Experience Aviation, to get poor young people interested in flying. He even taught them how to put a plane together, which helped them to understand math and science. Later, the students built a plane and Irving flew it. The next year, with the help of others, Irving got money to start a learning center in a Miami airport with equipment to help the students learn to fly a plane.
   On March 23, 2007, when Irving was 23 years old, he took off from the Miami airport on a flight around the world. Students in the United States and all over the world followed his flight on the Internet, and Irving spoke with them by satellite phone. After 97 days and 27,000 miles (about 43,000 kilometers), Irving became the youngest person at that time to fly solo around the world.
   Today, as part of Experience Aviation, Irving plans to have a “Classroom in the Sky.”This time, he wants to fly a jet around the world and get thousands of students to work together with him to help solve problems he has while flying. Through the Internet, the students will be able to see Irving, get information from him, and talk or blog with him as he flies. Irving is really determined to help young people become interested in flying.
Fill in each blank of the text summary with an appropriate word from the box. Please note that five words from the list are redundant.
Barrington Irving was the youngest person to pilot a plane around the world, a feat he accomplished in 2007. He was also the first African American to accomplish this flight. Irving was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and grew up in Miami, Florida. After speaking with an airline whom he just happened to meet and who sparked his interest in when he was 15, he was encouraged to pursue an aeronautical career. His interest turned into passion once he was provided with the opportunity to sit inside theof a plane. He realized that there was a world out there, so he to fly and tried his best to make this dream come true. After earning his pilot, Barrington began to visit schools and youth centers to speak aboutopportunities in aviation. He believed that if he could fly around the world, he would inspire the youth to their dreams in aviation and other related fields. Barrington researched the aviation industry and discovered there was a significant shortage of younger technicallyprofessionals. He founded the Miami-basedorganization Experience Aviation and pushed his message while continuing to work with the disadvantaged youth. Today, Barrington started a new learning center to help the students learn to fly and become interested in flying.
                                              Passage 2
                                              LightningEvery second of every day, all over the world, there are more than 100 lightning bolts striking the earth. That’s about ten million lightning bolts in one day! Lightning amazes us, but it can also frighten us. We have good reason to be afraid of lightning. Every year, about 100 people in the United States and Canada die from lightning, and another 300 are injured. It is strange that of all the people who die from lightning, 84 percent are men. Lightning is the main cause of forest fires; it starts more than 9,000 fires each year.Lightning is electricity inside a cloud. Scientists do not know exactly what makes this electricity. But they know that the electricity inside a cloud can be as much as 100 million volts. From this extremely strong electricity, a lightning bolt, like a streak of bright light, comes down from the sky. Its temperature can reach 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit (27,760 degrees Celsius) within a few millionths of a second. That’s almost five times the temperature on the sun’s surface.A lightning bolt is very quick. It can move at a speed of 87,000 miles (140,000 kilometers) per second. A rocket traveling at this speed would reach the moon in 2.5 seconds. With the lightning bolt, we usually hear thunder, which is the sound of hot air exploding. Lightning and thunder happen at exactly the same time, but we see lightning first because light travels almost a million times faster than sound.Lightning often strikes tall buildings. However, many buildings have lightning rods to protect them from lightning. When lightning strikes, the electricity goes safely down the metal rod to the ground. Benjamin Franklin1, the American statesman, invented the lightning rod in 1750. That is why buildings like the Empire State Building2 in New York City are safe. Lightning may hit this building as many as 25 times a year.If you see thunder and lightning coming, here are some things you can do to protect yourself. Go inside a house, get into a car, or go under a bridge. If you cannot find shelter, go to the lowest point on the ground. If you are outside, remember that trees attract lightning, especially tall trees. Never go under a tall tree that stands alone. If you are in a field, drop to your knees, bend forward, and put your hands on your knees. Do not lie down because the wet ground can carry lightning. Stay away from a lake, an ocean, or any other water. Don’t touch or go near anything metal, such as a metal fence, golf clubs, or bicycles, because metal attracts lightning very quickly. Don’t use a telephone except in an emergency.They say that lightning never hits the same place twice, but this is not true. One man, Roy Sullivan, was hit by lightning seven different times in his life. He was injured each time but did not die. He died in 1983, but not from lightning. He killed himself because he loved a woman, but she didn’t love him!Directions:Choose the right answer to questions.
                                                    Part IV                             Questions are based on Passage 4. (20 points, 4 points each)                                                   Passage 4   Since the earliest time, in most parts of the world, men and women have had the same roles in society. The norm worldwide has been mostly toward patriarchal societies, that is, societies ruled by men in which men are the main decision makers in both the family and in society as a whole. In patriarchal societies, men take the best jobs, and control the money, are treated with the greatest respect, and have the greatest chance to education.   However, there have been exceptions. In China, women of the traditional Hui minority hold power in the family and the community. In Bali, Indonesia, women are treated with far greater respect than in other traditional societies in Asia because of their importance in certain religious duties.   But these are only exceptions. Generally women were under the domination of men over history. A woman is treated as simple possession and is the responsibility of her father or male relatives. She can not vote and can not make any decision of importance, including who to marry. Even in some so-called modern countries such as England and the United States, the similar things were quite common at the beginning of the twentieth century. A woman who married and any fortune she might have fall into the hands of her husband. A woman could not vote and had little chance of attending university or getting any job of importance that might be held by a man.   It is only in the last 100 years that there has been a shift for women’s roles. People have stopped to consider and question these roles, thinking that they might change. Nowadays, women could take larger roles in government and participate more in higher education, getting the degrees necessary for the highest paying jobs. As women professors, women administrators, women business people and women government officials became more common, they in turn became role models for younger women who began to see life beyond making meals and caring for babies.    Each of us has a woman as a mother. As a society, we should give women the respect and opportunities they deserve.Read Passage 4 and then then choose the right answers to Questions.
   3.                                                      Part II                               Questions are based on Passage 2. (30 points, 3 points each)                                                   Passage 2                                            Flowers, Dishes, and Dresses   Wedding traditions are different from culture to culture. Most people follow the traditions of their culture but usually do not know what the traditions mean. In the past, friends and relatives of the newlyweds wanted them to be happy and to have good fortune or good luck. This was the start of traditions to bring good luck to the couple. It was also the start of using charms and symbols for good luck. Many of these traditions still continue today.   To make sure the wedding goes well and the couple will have good fortune, many people around the world follow the old traditions. In Germany, before the wedding day, friends and family of the bride and groom bring old dishes. They throw the dishes on the floor. The dishes break in front of the bride and groom, who then must clean them up. The people all have fun doing this and have an informal party. This tradition prepares the couple for married life and brings them good luck. Similarly, at an English wedding, church bells ring when the bride enters the church and walks up the aisle. Sometimes there are flower petals where the bride walks. Likewise, in some countries, there are flower petals on the marriage bed to wish the couple happiness in the future.   The date of the wedding can be important for a couple’s good fortune, too. There are many traditions about wedding dates. In China, the couple may see a fortune-teller, who will find a favorable day based on the dates when the bride and groom were born. In the United States today, no special day or month is favorable for weddings. However, June is a popular month. The month of June is named after the Roman goddess Juno. She is the goddess of love and marriage. On the other hand, in some countries, the day of the week is important. For example, in Italy a wedding is usually on a Sunday, but in the United States it is usually on a Saturday.   Many countries around the world use good-luck charms or symbols for good fortune for the bride and to make bad spirits go away. On the wedding day in the United States, brides wear white dresses. Some brides follow the old tradition of wearing “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”. Each “something” has a special meaning. “Something old” symbolizes a connection to the bride’s family and the past. “Something new” symbolizes the success and good fortune in the bride’s new life. For “something borrowed”, the bride borrows something from a friend or family member and then returns it after the wedding. This symbolizes love and support of family and friends. “Something blue” is because the color blue stands for faithfulness.   Likewise, in Norway, a bride wears a white dress. However, some brides may wear a traditional crown. The crown is silver and has charms hanging from it. When the bride walks, the charms make a beautiful sound. The sound is to tell bad spirits to go away. Similarly, in Sweden, there is an old tradition for good luck that some people still follow. The mother of the bride gives her daughter a gold coin for her right shoe. The father of the bride gives her a silver coin for her left shoe. The bride wears the coins in her shoes on her wedding day. In this way, the parents hope she will never be poor.   Brides usually wear white in the West; however, in some Asian countries, brides wear red. Red is the color of happiness, good luck and life. At a Chinese wedding, the bride usually wears a red dress, and sometimes all candles and decorations for the wedding are red too. Similarly, an Indian bride wears a red sari, which is a symbol of life and energy.   In conclusion, there are many different wedding traditions around the world. Most traditions come from long ago when people believed in the power of charms, symbols, and special ceremonies to bring good luck and keep bad luck away. Similarly, people today want to celebrate the newlyweds and wish them good fortune and happiness in their new lives.Directions:Fill in each blank of the text summary with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Please note that five words or phrases from the list will not be used.In people’s minds, the wedding is a very important thing in life. Marriage means responsibility for love and establishment of a new family. There are many different wedding traditions and around the world. Wedding traditions vary greatly between cultures, , countries, and social classes. It serves the important purpose of bringing good luck or good fortune to the couple. A number of cultures havethe traditional Western custom of the white wedding, at which a bride wears a white dress. If you find yourself involved in a German wedding, there are some customs and traditions of which you should be aware of. On theof the wedding friends and family may gather for a party. This normally involves food, drink, and the breaking of dishes. Theand groom are expected to clean them up together showing that they can. It’s also been said that this custom brings good luck to the couple. The wedding date is picked carefully in many countries to bring the couple’s good fortune. In China, for example, awill find a favorable day according to the couple’s birthday. In the United States, most brides wear white wedding dresses to make bad spirits go away. Some brides wear “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”. Each somethinga special meaning. In Norway, some brides wear a traditional silver crown withhanging from it. However, in some Asian countries like China and India, brides wear redhappiness, good luck, and life.
                                              Part IV Short Answer                                 Questions are based on Passage 4. (20 points, 4 points each)                                                    Passage 4                                     Why do we cry? Can you imagine life without tears?Not only do tears keep your eyes lubricated, they also contain a substance that kills certain bacteria so that they can’t infect your eyes. Give up your tears, and you’ll lose this spot defense. Nobody wants to give up the flood of extra tears you produce when you get something physical or chemical in your eyes. Tears are very good at washing this irritating material out. Another thing you couldn’t do without your tears is cry from joy, anger or sadness. Humans are the only animals that produce tears in response to emotions, and most people say a good cry makes them feel better.Many scientists, therefore, believe that crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations. Tear researcher, Winifred, is trying to figure out how it happens. One possibility he says is that tears discharge certain chemicals from your body, chemicals that build up during stress. When people talk about crying it out, “I think that might actually be what they are doing”, he says. If Winifred is right, what do you think will happen to people who restrain their tears? Boys, for example, cry only about a quarter as often as girls once they reach teenage years, and we all cry a lot less now than we did as babies. Could it possibly be that we face less stress? Maybe we’ve found other ways to deal with it, or maybe we just feel.Read Passage 4 and then choose the right answers to Questions.
                                                 Part Ⅰ                                Questions are based on Passage 1. (30 points, 3 points)             Passage 1                                             What’s in a Name?   In the beginning, people didn’t have last names or family names; they just had a first name. We do not know when the custom of giving last names started. Different areas and cultures started to use them at different times. But even today, there are still places, such as Iceland, where people do not usually use last names.   In English-speaking countries, most last names were connected to people’s occupations, personal characteristics, and where they lived. Many last names are occupations. For example, John the smith, which means “one who works with metal”, became John Smith. Smith, by the way, is the most common last name in the English speaking world. Many other occupations, such as cook, baker, carpenter, singer, and miller are last names too. This is also true of German names. The name Müller, for example, is German for miller, meaning “a person who crushes grain for bread”. Other people took the names of a place or a landmark near their homes. Roger, who lives near the rivers, would become Roger Rivers. Other landmarks became last names such as Woods, Hill, Stone, Field, and Lane. People’s personal characteristics also turned into names. Last names such as Small, Long, Strong, Moody, and Wild all come from people’s characteristics.   Many last names end in son. A long time ago, if a person’s name was John and his father’s name was Albert, people would call him John, Albert’s son. As time passed, people shortened the name to John Albertson. Last names of this type include Johnson, Peterson, Robertson, and Davidson. In Scotland and Ireland, the word Mac or its abbreviation Mc, is the word for son. For example, the last name MacDonald would be “the son of Donald”.   In the West, it is the custom to put your family name last. But in some Asian countries like China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, the family name comes first, so your name is Smith John and not John Smith. In Spain and Spanish-speaking countries, most people have two family names, although in some situations they use only the first one. The first family name is the father’s family name, and the second family name is the mother’s family name. For example, in the name Marco Perez Martinez, Perez is the father’s family name and Martinez is the mother’s family name.   In English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada, England, and the United States, as well as some countries like Vietnam in Southeast Asia, many people have middle names. The reason for a middle name may be to honor a relative. It may be the name of the grandfather or grandmother, or one’s parents may have liked this name for their child as well as the first name. Most people abbreviate their middle name and just write the initial. Some people like their middle name more than their first name. If this is the case, they abbreviate their first name with an initial and use their middle name, or they may not use their first name at all. For example, James Paul McCartney uses his middle name and last name, Paul McCartney.   People can, of course, change their names, but they have to complete a lot of paperwork. There are some rules for this; for example, you can’t change your name to a famous person’s name or a trademark. One man, however—who was named Winfred Holley and had a white beard—changed his name to Santa Claus. Another man from Hawaii had one of the longest last names, Kikahiolanikonoikaouiaulani, and complained that he spent half his life spelling his name. He did not change it, however.Directions:Complete these sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Note that three of the words from the box will not be used.
   3.                                                          Part II                                   Questions are based on Passage 2.(30 points, 3 points)                                                     Passage 2                                                        Fate   There was once a powerful king, who had only one son, a prince. When the prince grew up, the king chose a princess for him to marry. The prince refused, saying, “It is not my fate to be with this girl. I will not marry her.” Sometime later, the prince asked his father, “Will you please give me three bags of money and let me discover the world?”The king agreed and gave him the money.   The prince got on his horse and started on his journey. One day, he met a stranger, who asked, “Where are you going? What are you looking for?” The prince answered that he wanted to learn his fate. The stranger showed him a palace and said, “There you will learn your fate.”   The prince went to the palace. Another man showed him a piece of paper with the words, “You will marry a weaver’s daughter who has been ill for nine years.” The prince was horrified.“I will change my fate,”he said, and he left the palace. By evening, he was in a forest where he came upon a small house. He knocked on the door and asked to stay there for the night.   The man of the house replied, “Son, you are a great man. We have nothing for someone like you, but we can give you the best we have.”   After supper, the prince noticed someone in another room. He asked who it was. His host answered, “I am a poor weaver, and I have only one daughter. She is ill and has been in bed for nine years.”   When the prince heard this, he was very surprised. He didn’t close his eyes that night. He was thinking of how he might stop his fate. In the middle of the night, he quietly entered the room of the weaver’s daughter. He took out his dagger and pushed it into her. He went away and left his money behind him.   Years passed. One day the prince went out to hunt and saw a palace in the woods. In the palace was a beautiful young woman. He looked and looked at her. He thought he could look at her beauty forever. He went to her and asked her to marry him. She said yes.   The prince went home to tell his father that he was going to have a beautiful wife. The prince was very happy. The king was happy, too, and prepared a big wedding for his son.   Days after their marriage, the prince put his hand on his wife’s heart. He felt something hard and asked, “What is this?”   His wife replied, “I am a poor weaver’s daughter. For nine years I was ill in bed. One day a young man came to our house. He put his dagger into me and ran away. I was very ill, but my mother cured me. The young man left three bags of money. We bought a palace, my father gave up weaving, and we lived happily.”   When the prince heard this, he said: “O God! Your words really are my fate!” Then he told his wife everything.Directions:Fill in each blank of the text summary with an appropriate word from the box. Please note that five words from the list are redundant.
There was once a king, who had an only son. When this son grew up, the king chose for him a princess to marry, but the son . Some time later, he came to his father and asked him to give him three bags of money to the world. The king agreed to his request. The prince prepared everything, and started on his . He traveled on and on until he met a stranger. The prince told him that he wanted to learn his fate. Then this stranger showed him a beautiful palace. The prince thanked him, andto the palace. There another man showed him a piece of paper with the words on it, “ You will marry a weaver’s daughter who has been ill for nine years.” When the prince heard this, he was and decided to change his fate. He left the palace anda small house in a forest. The host asked him to stay there for one night and he was warmly welcomed. The host told him that he was a weaver and had a daughter who had been ill in bed for nine years. In the middle of the night, the prince got up quietly, and entered the room of the weaver’s daughter. He took out his dagger andit into her. Then he went away and left his moneyhim. Many years later, one day he went out to hunt and saw a beautiful young woman, who agreed tohim. He went home to tell his father that he was going to have a beautiful wife. His father felt happy for him too and prepared a big for his son. Some days after thir marriage, the prince put his hand on his wife’s heart, and felt something hard. His wife told him what happened to her. After hearing this, he told his wife everything.
                                                   Part Ⅳ                                Questions are based on Passage 4.(20 points, 4 points)                                                  Passage 4                                        Four Beautiful Things about Hawaii   What are the beauties of Hawaii?   First, the beaches. There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twenty islands of Hawaii. Most of them are covered with fine white sand. They are thought to be among the best beaches in the world.   Another wonderful thing about the beaches of Hawaii is the water temperature. The year-round average temperature of the water at the famous resort of Waikiki Beach is 23℃!   The same is true of air temperature. In fact, there are no real seasons in Hawaii. There is a difference of only two or three degrees between the hottest day of summer and the coldest day of winter. That’s why the Hawaiians don’t have a word for weather in their language.   Perhaps the nicest thing about Hawaiian beaches is the waves. The Hawaiians developed a sport which is now very popular on the islands called “body surfing”. You go out into the ocean, wait for a big wave to come towards you, jump on it, and ride it all the way to the beach.   Second, the volcanoes. These volcanoes are not just a part of the islands, but they actually made the islands. Because of them the islands are still growing.The most famous volcano on Hawaii is Mauna Loa. It is the world’s most active volcano. It has been erupting for thousands of years. Even when it isn’t erupting, smoke comes out of the earth from thousands of little holes.   Third, all the wonderful fruits and flowers of the islands. Every day of the year there are flowers blooming. Every month a dozen different kinds of trees are covered with fruits.   Fourth, the people who live there. From its earliest days, Hawaii has had a peaceful history.   The Polynesians who came to the islands about a thousand years ago believed that a stranger should be welcomed. They offered strangers food and comfort, and thought of them as brothers. As a result, today’s population is mixed. There are sixty-four different combinations of races on the islands, and they all live in peace. Read Passage 4 and then choose the right answers to Questions.


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