24春国开电大春安徽开放大学理工英语3单元自测1(预备知识:Unit 1;10分)答卷参考答案

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发表于 2024-6-1 10:52:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单元自测1(预备知识:Unit 1;10分)答卷
单元自测1(预备知识:Unit 1;10分)答卷

单元自测1(预备知识:Unit 1;10分)

试卷总分:100  得分:100
1. — Hello, may I speak to Henry?

— _______?
A. This is Henry speaking.
B. ?It is Henry.
C. My name is Henry.

2.— If you're?short-listed for the interview, we'll ring you by Friday.

— _______
A. I don't care.
B. It doesn't matter.
C. OK,Madam.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

3.This garden is three times as ______ as that one.?
A. big
B. bigger
C. biggest

4.There are ______?of ways to make your house look greener.,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
A. many
B. plenty
C. lot

5.What matters is how your house looks and how it_____?you and others residing in?it.?
A. affects
B. effects
C. infects

Five Tips to Make Your House Look Greener

There are plenty of ways to make your house look greener. It doesn't matter how many people reside in your home. It doesn't even matter what is the size of your home. What matters is how your house looks and how it affects you and others residing in it.

It is very necessary to make your house look greener because it has a direct impact on your health. If you keep your house greener, you will get rid of many dangerous diseases. Here are some ways to keep it greener.

1. Good and reliable Interior

Indoor material, like windows, doors, cupboards, etc. must be of good quality. These things play an important role to clean the house. Doors and cupboards must be of high quality wood. Aluminium windows must be used. You must use high-quality paints for walls, doors, windows and cupboards.

2. Using wider windows and doors for ventilation.
Oxygen is a necessary element to enable you to live alive. For healthy life, windows and doors must be wide and usually be kept open at least for 15 hours a day, as ventilation of air makes you fresh and healthy.
3. Placing plants especially flowers at various places

No one wants an empty house, and plants definitely play a refreshing role. First, the plants provide you with oxygen necessary for survival. Second, plants and especially flowers spread heart-attracting fragrance. All unhealthy odors are eradicated from your home and you feel fresh whenever you are inside it. Flowers also make your home interior look more appealing.

4. Disposing off wastes away from home regularly
It's very important to throw away household wastes far from your house every day. When wastes are kept untouched for many days, they attract bacteria and viruses. Flies and mosquitoes also start gathering and increasing at such places. As a result, diseases are caused.

5. Using anti-bacterial materials for washing floors and contents
Usually unclean fans, floors and walls breed bacteria and viruses, which are then carried by flies and mosquitoes. These carriers then infect the humans by contact through contaminated food or direct attacks on human body. It's always recommended to use anti-bacterial or anti-viral cleaners for fans, floors, walls, laptops, and TVs.


1. A green home is closely related with the size of your home. 1

2. A green home does good to your health. 2

3. The quality of indoor materials is of great importance to keep the house clean. 3

4. Household wastes should be thrown away daily. 4
5. Flies and mosquitoes breed bacteria and viruses. 5
(1).cloze Subject
A. T
B. F
(2).cloze Subject
A. T
B. F
(3).cloze Subject
A. T
B. F
(4).cloze Subject
A. T
B. F
(5).cloze Subject
A. T
B. F


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