24春国开电大山东广播电视大学理工英语1Unit 5 形考成绩单元自测5(10分)参考答案_1

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Unit 5 形考成绩_单元自测5(10分)0
Unit 5 形考成绩_单元自测5(10分)0

试卷总分:100    得分:100
1. --- A:?Hello, Bill Burton speaking.? ????????????????????,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。

--- B: Hello, Mr. Burton, this is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call.?
A. Is that Jenny speaking?
B. What can I do for you?
C. ?It’s my pleasure.

2.--- A: I have many questions about studying abroad.

---?B:?Would you like to make an appointment? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
A. Is that OK?
B. It doesn’t matter.
C. Let's say Wednesday afternoon at two?

3.My agenda is quite full for the whole week, so I can't? ?????????? ?an appointment with you.
A. sign
B. ?draw up
C. make

4.Seldom ________ his wife punishes her children for speaking out their own ideas freely.?
A. have I seen
B. do I see
C. I have seen
5.I have an appointment with Mr. Xie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, but would you please ???????? ?it to sometime next week?
A. complete
B. clarify
C. postpone

Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagers. Most of the crashes result from distracted driving—not paying attention to the road.
Ryan Didone was a fifteen-year-old passenger in a car that hit a tree. He was one of the nation's more than thirty thousand victims of traffic crashes in
2008. Nearly four thousand deaths, about twelve percent involved drivers age fifteen to twenty.?
Ryan's father, Thomas Didone, is a police captain in Marylan. "It was an inexperienced, immature driver driving at night with a carload of kids. He was distracted, he was going too fast, and it ended up causing one death and some seriously injured." He shares the story of his son's death to help educate teens and their families about distracted driving.
Jim Jennings from the Allstate Insurance Company says the number one cause of distracted-driving accidents is the mobile phone. He says talking on the phone or reaching for it is like drinking four beers and driving. "If you're texting while driving, you are twenty-three times more likely to get into an accident than somebody who isn't."
Government and private groups are using public service announcements and events to bring more attention to the problem. For example, the insurance industry recently held a safety event for teen drivers. At first, nineteen-year-old Kevin Schumann easily avoided large, inflatable dolls thrown in front of the car to represent children. He also avoided orange cones representing the edge of the road. Then, as part of the test, he started texting. He hit several cones and at least one doll. "That's what really opened up the experience for me to prove how bad it is to really text and drive."
Debbie Pickford of Allstate Insurance says teens are especially at risk from distracted driving —and not just because they lack experience on the roads. "According to the research, teens don't really have fully developed brains until they’re twenty-five years old. You put those two things together and you get a much,much higher risk." A new law proposes a graduated driver licensing system. Graduated means teenagers start with restrictions like on night driving and numbers of passengers. They could not get a full driver's license until age eighteen.

1. According to the passage, is the most likely to lead to a traffic accident while you are driving .,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。

A.texting on the mobile phone

B.reaching for a cell phone.

C.talking on the mobile phone

2. We can learn from the second paragraph that .

A. drivers who resulted in nearly 4,000 deaths are teenagers
B. over 30,000 victims have died from traffic crashes so far
C. it was at night that Ryan Didone died from a car accident

3. A safety event held by insurance industry was meant to .

A.attract more teenagers to take part in it

B.draw enough attention to teenagers' distracted driving

C.make more teenagers practice avoiding large barriers

4. The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about .

A.much higher risk

B.teen brain development

C.measures to be taken

5. Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?
A.Car Crashes —the Top Killer.

B.Distracted Driving —Let's Avoid!

C.Drunken Driving — Dangerous Enough!
A. A
B. B
C. C
A. A
B. B
C. C
A. A
B. B
C. C
A. A
B. B
C. C
A. A
B. B
C. C


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