
一 、判断题
1. Examples of ‘Personalized’ in action include “Taking action to ensure that everything is available for a scheduled service or repair”.
A. √
B. ×
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2. Contacting your customers after delivery can seem unnecessary and inconvenient, particularly if they are unhappy about something and you have to drop everything to resolve it.
A. √
B. ×
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3. If you are unhappy with the settlement offer, you have some options.
A. √
B. ×
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4. You will need to provide as much information as you can to get the best possible settlement.
A. √
B. ×
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5. As the coolant temperature continues to rise, the main thermostat’s wax element expands and closes to allow coolant to flow through the radiator.
A. √
B. ×
6. The primary task of the anti-lock brake system is to give the driver steering control during hard braking, and not reduce the stopping distance.
A. √
B. ×
7. At the turbocharger, the clean air is compressed by the turbine compressor impeller.
A. √
B. ×
8. The rise of new personalization tools means companies must customize their messaging to different audience segments.
A. √
B. ×
9. Change in the customer buying behavior has acted as a catalyst in the progress of automotive aftermarket.
A. √
B. ×
10. It is essential that all tools and equipment are maintained in good condition and the correct safety equipment is used where required.
A. √
B. ×
11. Although each of the Strategy Based Diagnosis steps is numbered, you are required to complete every step in order to successfully diagnose a customer concern.
A. √
B. ×,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
12. The engine monitors the motor’s internal components’ position, speed, power and consumption.
A. √
B. ×
13. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have both an electric motor and a conventional gasoline or diesel engine.
A. √
B. ×
14. The overall intention of electrical vehicle architecture is to gain mechanical motion from an electrical energy source.
A. √
B. ×
15. Frame damage is a sign that the car was in an accident.
A. √
B. ×
16. If the engine is hot, you can open the radiator cap and check the fluid there.
A. √
B. ×
二 、单选题
1. The piston cooling oil jets provide piston and gudgeon pin ______ and lubrication.
A. water
B. heating
C. cooling
D. contains
2. How is CO formed?
A. Formation of CO results from incomplete combustion of fuel and is caused by a rich fuel mixture or lack of air mass,
B. An efficient turbocharger design producing adequate air mass at low speed eliminates need for rich mixture under load.
C. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a non-toxic gas, but it contributes to acidification of oceans and is one of the most important greenhouse gases.
D. Hydrocarbons (HC) react with NOx in sunlight to produce photochemical oxidants (including ozone), which cause breathing problems and increased symptoms in those with asthma.
3. A fluid filter is ______ inside the fluid pan.
A. task
B. inside
C. located
D. process
4. Used cars appraisal methods _______ depreciation method, current market price method, replacement cost method, and so on.
A. bad
B. excellent
C. average
D. include
5. ______________ is the price that an entity would pay to replace an existing asset at current market prices with a similar asset.
A. sale price
B. best price
C. Replacement cost
D. low cost
6. Crash-test ratings take the form of stars, with a maximum score of five stars. And nowadays, vehicles with low ratings are almost impossible to _____.
A. say
B. fly
C. sell
D. tell
7. Different models of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles may also have _______ drivetrains, the mechanical components that deliver power to the driving wheels.
A. dioxide
B. only
C. different
D. oxygen
8. Idle-off turns off the ______ while idling at stoplights or in traffic, saving fuel.
A. engine
B. plug
C. flight
D. hybrid
9. The Control Unit ______ the flow of electricity from the battery (DC energy store) to the vehicle electric motor.
A. shaft
B. controls
C. inverter
D. engine
10. What is the Chinese meaning of “Property damage liability”?
A. 人身伤害保护险
B. 财产损毁责任险
C. 第三方责任险
D. 乘客险
11. Property damage liability pays for _______ you cause to someone else’s property with your car.
A. car
B. money
C. third
D. damage
12. Many major insurance companies are now offering ________ the option of having their driving monitored in exchange for the possibility of lower premiums.
A. drivers
B. sized
C. stable
D. what
13. What OEM stands for?
A. Connected cars
B. Original Equipment Manufacturer
C. Original Equipment
D. Predictive analytics
14. What does B2C stand for?
A. Business-to-Business
B. Business-to-Consumer
C. Consumer-to-Consumer
D. Business-to-Busy
15. Keep all components in a clean environment; this will prevent any damage that may be _______ by grit and dirt.
A. useless
B. nothing
C. carrying out
D. caused
16. Damage caused by failure to follow scheduled maintenance might not be ____________ by the vehicle warranty.
A. cancel
B. hired
C. covered
D. process
17. When ________ any reassembly process, it extremely important to bear in mind basic rules to make a successful repair.
A. carrying out
B. buy
C. assemble
D. bring
18. __________ is the first step of the sales process.
A. Engine
B. Chassis
C. lowest
D. Prospecting
19. Sales Consultant checks the vehicle and the paperwork, at least 24 hours ____________ (preferably using the New Vehicle Handover Record for guidance) to make certain everything is ready for the delivery appointment.
A. once
B. after,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
C. in advance
D. twin
20. Customers have different _______ of their initial contact, so it is important that you establish their preferred method of approach as soon as possible.
A. price
B. difficulty
C. expectations
D. process
三 、多选题
1. Please explain the meaning of "follow-up" in Chinese.
A. 随访
B. 技工
C. 跟进
D. 回访
2. Please explain the meaning of "operator" in Chinese.
A. 经营者
B. 操作员
C. 话务员
D. 接线员
3. Please explain the meaning of "appraisal" in Chinese.
A. 评价
B. 维修
C. 估价
D. 估计
4. Please explain the meaning of "brake hard" in Chinese.
A. 内燃机
B. 急刹车
C. 紧急制动
D. 发动机
5. Please explain the meaning of "mechanic" in Chinese.
A. 服务
B. 技工
C. 客户
D. 机修工
6. Please explain the meaning of "insurance claim" in Chinese.
A. 保险索赔
B. 保险理赔
C. 索赔
D. 保险索偿
7. Please explain the meaning of "retailer" in Chinese.
A. 事故
B. 零售商
C. 零售店
D. 机遇
8. Please explain the meaning of "merchant" in Chinese.
A. 商人
B. 意外
C. 批发商
D. 店主
四 、简答题
1. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: This coverage pays for damage you cause to someone else’s property with your car.
A. 这项保险会赔偿您和您的乘客由事故所造成的医疗支出。
B. 这项保险不会赔偿您用自己的汽车造成他人财物的损毁。
C. 这项保险将会赔偿您用自己的汽车造成他人财物的损毁。
D. 这项保险将会赔偿您用自己的汽车造成自己财物的损毁。
2. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Fleet telematics refers to the use of telematics to manage and monitor commercial vehicle operations, locations and status.
A. 车队车联网系统可以实现中央位置与车队中单个车辆之间的信息交换。
B. 车队车联网系统是指,使用车联网来管理和监测商用车辆的运行、位置、状态。
C. 通用汽车公司最早通过安吉星系统普及了车联网。
D. 车联网系统与传感器之间的结合为汽车行业以及其他行业带来了更多机会。
3. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Use the appropriate Vehicle Configuration form to collect information on the customer’s preferences.
A. 使用合适的汽车订单收集有关客户偏好的信息。
B. 使用合适的汽车订单收集有关汽车偏好的信息。
C. 使用合适的汽车配置表收集有关客户偏好的信息。
D. 使用合适的汽车配置表收集有关汽车偏好的信息。,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
4. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Dropping electrical or electronic equipment can cause internal damage.
A. 跌落电气或电子设备可能会造成内部损伤。
B. 跌落电气或电子设备可能会造成外部损伤。
C. 跌落电气或电子设备不会造成外部损伤。
D. 跌落电气或电子设备不会造成内部损伤。
5. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: These signals are used by the TCM to control the transmission operation.
A. 发动机使用这些信号来控制TCM的工作。,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
B. 变速器使用这些信号来控制TCM的工作。
C. 齿圈使用这些信号来控制变速器的工作。
D. TCM使用这些信号来控制变速器的工作。
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