
一 、判断题
1. To prevent losing customers to our competitors, it is essential that the sales process is monitored and managed at each stage.
A. √
B. ×,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
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2. For the trade-in and offer, if the customer perceives that the cost to change is too low, you are likely to lose the business.
A. √
B. ×
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3. Providing false information cannot be cause for an insurer to refuse to pay your claim.
A. √
B. ×
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4. Whether you file the claim with your own insurer or the other driver’s insurance company depends on whose fault the accident was, whether you live in a no-fault state and whether or not you carry the type of coverage that would cover your losses.
A. √
B. ×
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5. The ABS controls the HP fuel pump to ensure the optimum pressure is available for smooth operation.
A. √
B. ×
6. The powertrain consists of a number of components that utilize the torque created by the engine and transfer it to the driven wheels.
A. √
B. ×
7. There are two main types of steering systems used on vehicles today: rack and pinion and parallelogram. They have the same strengths and weaknesses.
A. √
B. ×
8. To define a better e-commerce strategy, it is also imperative to understand how different stakeholders work in an aftermarket industry.
A. √
B. ×
9. Mirror the customer’s e-mails in style and length, and reply to brief e-mail questions with longer responses.
A. √
B. ×
10. Although each of the Strategy Based Diagnosis steps is numbered, you are required to complete every step in order to successfully diagnose a customer concern.
A. √
B. ×
11. If you will operate the vehicle in an area where the temperature may fall below freezing, don’t use a fluid that has sufficient protection against freezing.
A. √
B. ×
12. At a basic level all vehicle charging uses a cable to connect a vehicle to a power supply.
A. √,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
B. ×
13. Like other electric and hybrid-electric vehicles, BEVs minimize wasted energy by turning the car off when stopped and by charging the battery when braking.
A. √
B. ×
14. Electric Vehicles have a battery management system, which will typically warn the driver when their battery range starts to get low.
A. √
B. ×
15. Used car appraisal is necessary when consumers want to trade-in their vehicle or sell it privately.
A. √
B. ×
16. If you feel the car and the tires pulling left or right, this could be bad alignment.
A. √
B. ×
二 、单选题
1. A ____________ provides an electrical supply on demand to power the vehicle’s electrical systems.
A. cut
B. valve
C. sensor
D. battery
2. The coolant pump is controlled to give the optimum flow to support all ________ requests from the engine components.
A. opens
B. cooling
C. closed
D. process
3. What does EGR stand for?
A. Eight Gas Reset
B. Eight Gas Recirculation
C. Exhaust Gas Recirculation
D. Eight Go Recirculation
4. Some inspection services also ______ used car appraisals, especially if they buy used cars.
A. provide
B. excellent
C. average
D. process
5. If you do see liquid or stains anywhere in the engine area, it is highly recommended to have a ______ look over the spots and verify why there are there.
A. boss
B. mechanic
C. wheel
D. seal
6. One rating is ______ on a car fitted only with safety equipment which is standard on every variant in the model range throughout EU.
A. say
B. based
C. boost
D. quick
7. The Control Unit ______ the flow of electricity from the battery (DC energy store) to the vehicle electric motor.
A. shaft
B. controls
C. inverter
D. engine
8. Idle-off turns off the ______ while idling at stoplights or in traffic, saving fuel.
A. engine
B. plug
C. flight
D. hybrid
9. The amount of pollution produced __________ on how the electricity is made.
A. install
B. see
C. open
D. depends
10. What does VIN stand for?
A. Vehicle Idea Number
B. Valve Identification Number
C. Vehicle Increase Number
D. Vehicle Identification Number
11. Many major insurance companies are now offering ________ the option of having their driving monitored in exchange for the possibility of lower premiums.
A. drivers
B. sized
C. stable
D. what
12. If you are 70% responsible and the other driver is 30% responsible, what will happen?
A. The settlement is entirely paid by the other driver’s car insurance company.
B. The adjuster will ask for your recollection of the events.
C. Your company may pay 70% of the settlement and the other driver’s car insurance company may pay the remaining 30%.
D. Your company may pay 30% of the settlement and the other driver’s car insurance company may pay the remaining 70%.
13. Using five questions, Google defines the five moments when you can engage a potential car buyer. Which of the following questions is not one of these five?
A. Which car is best?
B. Is it right for me?
C. Where should I buy it?
D. Who am I?
14. The _______________ model encompasses all electronic transactions conducted between individuals and public administration.
A. Business-to-Business
B. Business-to-Consumer
C. Consumer-to-Business
D. Consumer-to-Administration
15. Proper maintenance may help ______ the value you receive when you sell your vehicle.
A. buy
B. bring
C. installed
D. increase
16. Under normal driving conditions, transfer case fluid _______________ maintenance unless there is a fluid leak or unusual noise.
A. see
B. require
C. provides
D. does not require
17. When ____________ any major repairs preparation of the working area is of a major consideration.
A. useless
B. nothing
C. carrying out
D. essential
18. What is the meaning of the phrase “customer”?,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
A. 碰撞险
B. 侧面碰撞
C. 客户
D. 电子商务
19. What is the Chinese meaning of “follow-up”?
A. 交易
B. 置换
C. 跟进
D. 客户
20. What is the Chinese meaning of “experience”?
A. 原则
B. 客户
C. 体验
D. 规范
三 、多选题
1. Please explain the meaning of "warranty" in Chinese.
A. 保证
B. 维修
C. 保修
D. 担保
2. Please explain the meaning of "operator" in Chinese.
A. 经营者
B. 操作员
C. 话务员
D. 接线员
3. Please explain the meaning of "rollover" in Chinese.
A. 翻转
B. 维修
C. 翻覆国开一网一平台
D. 翻车事故
4. Please explain the meaning of "torque converter" in Chinese.
A. 液力变矩器
B. 底盘
C. 转矩变换器
D. 变矩器
5. Please explain the meaning of "underbody" in Chinese.,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
A. 车身底板
B. 车身底座
C. 平视显示
D. 挡风玻璃
6. Please explain the meaning of "driver’s license" in Chinese.国开一网一平台
A. 驾驶证
B. 驾驶员
C. 驾驶执照
D. 汽车驾驶执照
7. Please explain the meaning of "millennials" in Chinese.
A. 千禧世代
B. 意外
C. 千禧之子
D. 千禧一代
8. Please explain the meaning of "Big Data" in Chinese.
A. 大数据
B. 物联网
C. 海量资料
D. 海量数据
四 、简答题
1. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: The safety rating is determined from a series of vehicle tests, designed and carried out by Euro NCAP.
A. 安全评估根据由欧盟新车安全评鉴协会设计并开展的一系列车辆试验来确定。
B. 安全评估根据由新车安全评鉴协会设计的一系列车辆试验来确定。
C. 安全评估根据由汽车工程师协会设计并开展的一系列车辆试验来确定。
D. 安全评估根据由欧盟汽车工程师协会设计并开展的一系列车辆试验来确定。
2. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Fleet telematics refers to the use of telematics to manage and monitor commercial vehicle operations, locations and status.
A. 车队车联网系统可以实现中央位置与车队中单个车辆之间的信息交换。
B. 车队车联网系统是指,使用车联网来管理和监测商用车辆的运行、位置、状态。
C. 通用汽车公司最早通过安吉星系统普及了车联网。
D. 车联网系统与传感器之间的结合为汽车行业以及其他行业带来了更多机会。
3. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: They expect that we will take the time to get to know them and respond to their individual requirements.
A. 如果他们是常客,则他们希望在这一方面得到认可和确认。
B. 我们要化繁为简,而且尊重客户的时间。
C. 他们希望我们花时间来了解他们,并响应他们的个人要求。
D. 当客户需要我们时,我们可随时提供帮助。
4. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Visually inspect steering, suspension, and chassis components.
A. 检查转向系统、悬架和底盘部件。
B. 目视检查转向系统、悬架和油箱部件。
C. 目视检查转向系统、悬架和底盘部件。
D. 检查转向系统、车门和车窗。
5. Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese: Ring gear 1 drives the planetary gears which rotate around sun-wheel 1.
A. 行星齿轮驱动齿圈1,而行星齿轮围绕太阳齿轮1转动。
B. 行星齿轮驱动齿圈1,而太阳齿轮1围绕行星齿轮转动。
C. 齿圈1驱动太阳齿轮,而太阳齿轮围绕行星齿轮1转动。
D. 齿圈1驱动行星齿轮,而行星齿轮围绕太阳齿轮1转动。
上一篇:【国开搜题】国家开放大学 一网一平台 汽车专业英语(本)03 期末考试押题试卷与答案下一篇:【国开搜题】国家开放大学 一网一平台 汽车专业英语(本)05 期末考试押题试卷与答案