
一 、Part I Literary Fundamentals
1. The play The Crucible concerns a real historical incident, involving witchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria.国开一网一平台
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2. _____ is a special kind of _____ where an inanimate object is given human or animate characteristics.
A. Pun, metaphor国开一网一平台
B. Personification, metaphor
C. Metaphor, simile
D. Simile, metaphor国开一网一平台
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二 、Part III Writing
1. Write a summary of the plot of the story "My Irreplaceable Treasure" in about 100 words.
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三 、Part II Reading Comprehension国开一网一平台
1. From the extract, it is clear that ______.
A. the man and the woman have lost their jobs due to a lawsuit
B. there is a great tension between the man and the woman
C. Proctor has lost his lawsuit against Abigail
2. Which of the following summarizes the main idea of the poem?
A. No journey is as cool or as inexpensive as reading a book.
B. Reading books can touch a person's soul.,我们的目标是要做全覆盖、全正确的答案搜索服务。
C. Saved money should be spent on travelling.
3. The poem can be categorized as _________.
A. a sonnet
B. a free verse
C. a ballad国开一网一平台
4. When and where did the story happen? Why did the author's mother decide to pack their books and china in a small den off the master bedroom?
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