Skills for Guessing the New Words
Du Xiaojun
(渭南师范学院外国语学院,渭南 114000)
(School of Foreign Languages,Weinan Normal University,Weinan 114000,China)
Abstract: This paper elaborates some skills for guessing the new words. Most of all, some useful word-building methods are introduced in this paper, and the paper argues that reading and lexical resources are mutually complementary and stimulative.
【关键词】: 阅读 词汇 生词 技巧
Key words: reading;lexical resources;new words;skill
中图分类号:G42 文献标识码:A文章编号:100 -4311(2011)32-0213-02
1.1 根据上下文的标点、提示词、 定语从句等去猜词有时,文章作者为了让文章更易被读者理解,或觉的某个词语生僻,往往会在句子中对这个词语进行变相的解释,解释生词的方式多种多样,有时作者用提示词给出解释,有时作者会以破折号、 括号或逗号等标点引出解释性词语或短语,给读者以暗示,有时会在这个生僻词后使用一个定语从句,对其修饰限定的名词进行解释。例如:
a)A byline, that is, the line at the head of a newspaper article that tells the author’s name, is rarely given to an inexperienced reporter.
b)Stones are a better conductor of heat than soil. Or put in another way, soil is a better insulator than rock.
c)The harbor is protected by a jetty―a wall built out into the water.
d)Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind.
e) One of the advantages of gold is its malleability, which enables jewelers to hammer, bend, and work the mental into almost any shape or design.
从以上例子可以看出,英语中的提示词或标点能帮助读者推断或猜测生词词义,常用的主要的提示词有: is (are), e.g., called, meaning, or, that is, put it in another way 等等。
1.2 For example, for instance, such as, like 等表示举例的词语或标点符号有助于理解文章中的生僻词。如:
a) Select any of these periodicals: Times, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest or The New Yorker.
b) She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eyes.
c) In the corner there is a Christmas tree decorated with shining ornaments, such as colored lights and glass balls, and sometimes hung with gifts.
1.3 在英语文章中,有些句子会给出某些生词的反义词,通过反义词,我们就可以推断出生词或生僻词的词义,或句子本身含有比较或对照的关系,通过这种关系我们也可以猜出词义。常用的表示比较、 对照或反义的信号词语有: unlike, but, although, though, while, yet, instead, whereas, however, in comparison with, compared with, on the other hand, rather than等。例如:
a) The class covers only the most important philosophical ideas of the 19th century, not the trivial one.
b) The hot-air balloon took off. It was as buoyant in the air as a cork.
c) Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time.
d) Most of us agreed; however, Bill dissented.
1.4 生活常识和经验也可以帮助我们猜测词义,如例所示:
a) The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.
b) Mark got on the motorbike, I sat behind him on the pillion, and we roared off.
c) Luther was very sad when his grandfather died, but thanks to the inheritance his grandfather left him, he could afford to go to college.
1.5 通过上、下义词关系和同类词来预测词义。有些词表示的概念概括性较大,他们可以包括许多表示范围较小的词,由此构成上、下义关系,从属于某一大概念的小词具有并列关系,属同类词。根据这一特点,我们可以通过下义词猜出上义词或同类词的意思,或通过上义词猜测出下义词。例如:
a) It is necessary, therefore, to build safety devices. A knife has a handle and scabbard; an automobile has bumper, safety glass, and seat belts.
b) We have two dogs: a dachshund named Willy, and basset named Fido.
1. 最后一种猜词技巧,也是最重要的最常用的猜词方法即通过构词法来猜词义,因为在英语中由于有大量的词根和词缀,因而也就产生了大量的合成词和派生词,只要了解一个词缀和词根的意义,自然而然会判断出其派生词的意义及词性。通常加前缀会改变根词的词义,加后缀会改变一个根词的词性。那么在日常学习中,我们应牢记一些常见的词缀和词根,自然有助于我们去猜测所遇到的陌生词的词义,举一些常见的词缀以说明这个问题。
PrefixesMeaning Example
Over “to an excessive degree” overwork
Under“not enough, not sufficiently” underdeveloped
Non “not”non-smoker
Sub“under or beneath” subway
Pre“before” preschool
Co“with or together”co-owner
Verb Suffixes
-fy pure――purify
Adjective Suffixes
-ish girl――girlish
-ive act――active
Noun Suffixes
-ship friend――friendship
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