摘要: 照应,作为一种语法手段,在语篇衔接中发挥着重要作用。它指某一种语言成分的解释需要建立在另一种语言成分的基础上。在语篇中,定冠词用于照应关系要比其它词类复杂一些。它在语篇中承担着不同的照应角色,从不同角度可以划分为不同的种类:前照应、后照应、外照应;直接照应和间接照应;全部照应和局部照应;单重照应和双重照应。
关键词: 定冠词 语篇 照应
DOI:10.39 9/j.issn.1 12-8289.2010.10.002
一. 引言
英语的定冠词the 虽说是个小品词,但其使用却极频繁。传统的英语定冠词研究是在句子的层面上进行的。随着现代语言学的发展,对定冠词的研究开始涉及语义、语用、认知等多种理论。在语篇层面上对英语定冠词进行研究可揭示语篇衔接和连贯的本质。
英语语篇中的照应也叫指称,是通过代词(包括所有格)、定冠词、名词、副词、形容词等与指称对象(referent) 之间的呼应来衔接语篇。定冠词在语篇衔接中的作用和指示代词很相似,不同的是它不能单独使用,实际上,“从历时的角度看,英语的定冠词是不带性,数标记的指示形容词”(Lyons, 1911: 41)。它仅和名词连用时(作定语)方能起到指示作用。定冠词本身没有具体的语义内容,而只是用来表示其所指对象是特定的,并且是可识别的,即用来识别它的信息在某个地方时可恢复的。
A man is walking towards me. The man is carrying a parcel.
“the man” 回指上文中的 “a man”, 说明此时的 “man” 特指上文中提到的那个 “man”。后照应是指在语篇中,指称对象中的名词出现在定冠词修饰的名词之后。例如:
Accustomed to John Reed’s abuse, I never had an idea of replying to it; my care was how to endure the blow which would certainly follow the insult. (Jane Eyre)
此例中, “the blow” 特指 “follow the insult”。
外照应是指称对象中的名词不出现在语篇之中,而是在特定的语境之中。在言语交际中,谈话总是在一定情景语境中进行的,因此定冠词the 所涉及的人或事物,往往和那个语境有着密切的联系。例如:
“Where is the doctor?” I asked the woman.
“He is lying down sleeping. He will be here when he is needed.”
-----Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms
“the doctor” 在文本中并未出现,但护士(the woman)凭借当时的语境,便可知其所指。这里,说话者的提问” Where is the doctor?” 传达出说话者预设 “the doctor”已为护士所知。而护士也正是基于这个语用预设来理解并对他的询问作了回答,对话因此得以连贯。
直接照应(direct reference),指the 所修饰的名词与前面所指称对象中的名词同形,如:
Refreshed by this, Mahoney chased a cat down a lane, but the cat escaped into a wild field. We both felt rather tired and when we reached the field, we made at once for a shopping bank over the ridge of which we could see the Dodder. (J. Joyce, Dubliners)
在此例中的 “the cat” 和 “the field” 分别回指 “a cat” 和 “a wild field”。这里,定冠词后面的名词与前面指称对象中的名词同形,即为直接照应。
间接照应 (indirect reference),指所修饰的名词与前面指称对象中的名词不同,但在本质上是一致的,即指同一人或同一事物,如:
A traveler who was wet and cold got into a country inn. The inn was so crowded with the people that he could not get near the fire. So he called out to the inn keeper, “Take some fish to my horse!”… Feeling puzzled, the crowd of people looked at the stranger for a while, and then all went out to see a horse eat fish.
此例中, “the stranger” 的所指就是上文中的 “a traveler”. 虽然不同形,但是定冠词的指示作用,把这两个词紧密地联系在一起,这就是间接照应。又如:
…Then there was a wild yelp of agony, and the poodle went sailing up the aisle; …At last the frantic sufferer sheered from its course and sprang into its master’s lap; he flung it out of the window, and the voice of distress uickly thinned away and died in the distance. (Mark Twain: The Adventure of Tom Sawyer)
“a wild yelp of agony” 和 “ the voice of distress” 为近义词,在语篇中彼此呼应,对语篇起到衔接作用。
在上文所列的例句中,定冠词修饰的中心名词是照应对象的全部,因而上述例句中的照应都是全部照应 (whole reference)。另外还有一种常见的照应形式是局部照应( local reference)。例如:
It was ten o’clock in the morning. The day was warm for April and the golden sunlight streamed brilliantly into Scarlett’s room through the blue curtains of the wide windows. The cream-colored walls glowed with light and the depths of the mahogany furniture gleamed deep red like wine, while the floor glistened as if it were glass, except where the rag rugs covered it and they were spots of gay color. (Margaret Mitchell: Gone with the Wind)
此例中,读者之所以能准确地理解the walls 和the floor 的具体所指,是因为the windows, the walls 和the floor 三者为局部词关系,与Scarlett’s room 又构成局部-整体关系。
Last year, we were to Devon for a holiday. The holiday we had there was the best we’ve ever had. (Halliday & Hasan, 191 : 3)
the holiday 既回指之前出现的a holiday, 又特指之后出现的the best we’ve ever had. 因此,定冠词在此处就是双重照应。
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耿娟娟(1982- ),女,山西临汾人,咸阳师范学院外语系讲师,主要从事二语习得的研究。
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