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发表于 2020-11-29 11:38:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
课程名称【编号】:大学英语B【0481】                       A卷
考试类别:大作业加微信:1144766066)                                    满分:100分

Jamie: I am taking my final examination tomorrow.
  Lily: Oh, really? __________   Jamie: Thank you for your good wish!   A. Congratulations!        B. Good luck!   C. You made it.        D. May I help you?
General Manager: I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us carry on with our discussion.
  Johnny: Okay. __________   General Manager: Next topic is about…   A. My pleasure.         B. I’m glad to hear that.   C. Let’s get to the point.         D. Cheers!
Doctor: __________
  Patient: I am a teacher for a training center.   Doctor: Do you often get tired?   Patient: Yes, sort of.   A. Where do you work?         B. How do you feel now?   C. What is your job?         D. What is your address?
Jack: Would you mind passing me the paper for me, Henry?
  Henry: __________, here you are.   A. Sure, my pleasure   B. Yes, I mind   C. I’d like to help, but I am afraid that I can not   D. Not at all
John: Mary , this is Joe’s brother David.
  Mary: I’m very glad to meet you.   David: It’s a pleasure to meet you.   Mary: __________ David: It’s really different from what I expected. John: Don’t worry . You’ll get used to it in no time. A. How is Joe?        B. How do you like Florida so far? C. How are you doing so far?        D. Would you like some tea?
Passage 1When cars first started appearing on the streets of the world, few people took them seriously. They were toys—play things for grown men who didn’t have much to do. No one thought that the automobile would ever become the world’s most popular form of transportation.
There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something to do.
In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world.
What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same. The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship, mechanics, and technology. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the world and their persistence to the present that is amazing. In Egypt, the Americas, China, Japan and among the Arctic (北极的)peoples, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings. Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.
Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to technological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use. The progress from the wheel to the oxcart to the automobile is a direct line of ascent (进步). The progress from a rattle (拨浪鼓)used by a baby in 3000 BC to one used by an infant today, however, is not characterized by inventiveness. Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations of available materials.
  6. The reason why the toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with is that ______.
A. their social roles are rigidly determined
B. most boys would like to follow their fathers’ professions
C. boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers
D. most girls would like to follow their mothers’ professions
7. One aspect of “the universality of toys” lies in the fact that ______.
A. technological advances have greatly improved the durability of toys
B. the improvement of craftsmanship in making toys depends on the efforts of
C. the exploration of the universe had led to the creation of new kinds of toys
D. the basic characteristics of toys are the same the world over
9. Which of the following is the author’s view on the historical development of toys?
A. The craftsmanship in toy-making has remained essentially unchanged.
B. Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.
C. The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.
D. Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child’s character.
9. Regarded as a kind of art form, toys ______.
A. follow a direct line of ascent
B. also appeal greatly to adults
C. are not characterized by technological progress
|D. reflect the pace of social progress
10. The author uses the example of rattle to show that ______.
A. in toy-making there is a continuity in the sue of materials
B. even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technology
C. it often takes a long time to introduce new technology into toy-making
D. even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the time
Passage 2
Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星)but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food, which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.
Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called “rem”. Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem without being damaged; the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage-a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed(畸形的)children or even grandchildren. Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high radiation and, during the outward and return journeys; the Apollo crew accumulated a large amount of rems. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.
11. According to the first paragraph, the atmosphere is essential to man in that ______.
A. it protects him against the harmful rays from space
B. it provides sufficient light for plant growth
C. it supplies the heat necessary for human survival
D. it screens off the falling meteors
12. We know from the passage that ______.
A. exposure to even tiny amounts of radiation is fatal
B. the effect of exposure to radiation is slow in coming
C. radiation is avoidable in space exploration
D. astronauts in spacesuits needn’t worry about radiation damage
13. The harm radiation has done to the Apollo crew members ______.
A. is insignificant
B. seems overestimated
C. is enormous
D. remains unknown
14. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. the Apollo mission was very successful
B. protection from space radiation is no easy job
C. astronauts will have deformed children or grandchildren
D. radiation is not a threat to well-protected space explorers
15. The best title for this passage would be ______.
A. Astronauts in the Outer Space
B. Research on Radiation
C. Effects of Space Radiation
D. Importance Protection against Radiation
16.        Without water from the Nile River,  Egypt ______ a farming country and become a desert. A. will cease to be                B. would cease to be C. will cease being                D. would cease being
17.        Although he refused to act on my suggestion, he had to admit that ______ what I said. A. it was something in        B. there was something as C. it was something as        D. there was something in
18.        There is little, ______, farming in that area and all you can see is miles of wild countryside. A. if so        B. if such        C. if not        D. if any
19.        In his lecture, the education expert emphasized the fact that nowadays children are exposed to many influences ______ that of their families. A. rather than        B. other than        C. except for        D. but for
20.        The singer on the stage has a young ______ face and a voice of an_____. A. boy...angel                B. boy’s...angel C. boy...angel’s                D. boy’s...angel’s
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