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发表于 2020-12-3 11:11:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
课程名称【编号】:跨文化交际【0859】                      A卷
考试类别:大作业加微信:1144766066)                                    满分:100分
Answer the following questions: (50%)“Stereotype” is said to be one of the potential barriers of intercultural communication. What is “stereotype”? Why we take stereotypes as a barrier of intercultural communication?
As we know, a word in one language does not necessarily have a counterpart in the other language; words or terms in both languages appear to refer to the same object or concept only on the surface, but actually refer to quite different things. Explain the cultural differences of the following pairs of words: 龙vs. dragon, 知识分子 vs. intellectuals, 书 vs. book, 狗vs. dog.II. Analyze the following cases,and then answer the given questions. (50%)
Case 1
Liu Yun is a caring person. He always shows respect for the old and love for the young. Whenever he sees someone that needs help, he doesn’t hesitate to give a helping hand. On a bus, he always offers his seat to someone that is old, weak, sick, pregnant or carries a baby. Every time he does so, he felt quite proud and happy. One day, he gave his seat to an elderly foreigner. To his great surprise, the foreigner looked at him with an unhappy expression and refused him rudely.
Can you explain the reason why the foreigner refused Liu Yun?
Case 2
Katherine came to Beijing and found a job as an English teacher in a foreign language institute. Soon after her classes began, she found that her students showed no interest in her teaching style. Quite a few of them avoided attending her class. She was feeling quite upset and discouraged so she decided to ask the Director, Prof. Wang reviewed his timetable and suggested they meet at ten o’ clock on Thursday morning. When Thursday came, Katherine arrived at Prof. Wang’s office at the exactly ten o’clock finding him talking with another teacher in Chinese. Seeing that she had come, Prof. Wang smiled and gestured her to sit down. Katherine sat down and the professor excused himself and continued to talk with the other teacher. After five minutes, he finished his conversation, and apologized to Katherine, and began to focus his attention on her situation. Prof. Wang showed great concern and asked her what the problem was. Just as she was discussing her problem, another Chinese teacher interrupted, with a form that required the Director’s signature. The Director smiled, apologized to Katherine again, and turned to talk with the Chinese teacher in Chinese. Katherine became impatient, and wondered why their discussion should be interrupted since she had made an appointment. Also, she was upset and frustrated that they continued to speak Chinese in front of her. Although their talk continued, she was apparently unhappy about what had happened. Questions:
How would you explain the Director’s behavior toward Katherine? How would you make the Director understand why Katherine felt frustrated and angry?雅宝题库交流答案加微信:(1144766066)案网,附件是答案加微信:(1144766066)案,核对题目后下载QQ 1144766066


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