tag 标签: american


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[单选,材料题] Basketball in American is so popular with universities thatnationwide u 学历类 123456aa 2022-3-23 6 331 SNJF0183 2022-3-23 18:03
[单选] The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increa 学历类 bb20920d 2022-3-26 6 786 WiDip 2022-3-26 21:01
The Wigwam Motel, Arizona ___of Native American tents. 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-7-28 6 173 EsthersET 2022-8-2 11:40
Walt Whitman was a founding figure of American poetry. His innovation first of 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-7-28 6 205 showwall8 2022-8-10 10:29
A characteristic of American culture is to respect the self-made man— the man w 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-7-28 6 232 chenwei1609 2022-8-8 01:05
This story is about some American students _______ learnt business skills by op 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-1 6 210 MariaUnfap 2022-8-11 00:46
This story is about some American students      learnt business skills by opera 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-1 6 451 waxyj 2022-8-11 20:08
2. According to the passage, most American Indian children loved all the follow 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-1 6 193 BillieLen 2022-8-11 15:34
5. Marie has done a great contribution to American distance education.TF 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-1 6 251 AnitaGef 2022-8-6 07:21
I think he is American, but __ he is British. 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-3 6 228 SusanSem 2022-8-9 00:41
Most American young people like _____. 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-3 6 245 wan888 2022-8-10 17:29
In American history, the Pilgrim Fathers refer to those who came to Plymouth on 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-22 6 232 ykissd 2022-8-23 13:54
The American Constitution was finally adopted in 1789 by a narrow marginon the 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-22 6 333 983456126 2022-8-23 19:25
The final breakaway of American foreign policy from isolationismwas(   )The fin 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-22 6 232 swj112 2022-8-23 13:44
The political theory of American Revolution came from the well-knownphilosopher 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-22 6 258 刁蛮晶晶 2022-8-23 18:36
The real American literature began_____. 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-22 6 169 wangadai 2022-8-23 20:37
The real American literaturebegan_____.( ) 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-22 6 209 AlfredWaf 2022-8-23 13:46
Which branch of the American government has the power to interpret theconstitut 奥鹏电大开放大学题库答案 1144766066 2022-8-22 6 243 chenbao12 2022-8-23 18:00
标准答案:Mainstream American conversation style would also be ch_processed 国家开放大学形考作业答案 yabao 2024-4-25 0 92 yabao 2024-4-25 15:45
标准答案:Mainstream American conversation style would also be ch 国家开放大学形考作业答案 yabao 2024-4-25 0 64 yabao 2024-4-25 15:42


